- Theory of tides
The theory of tides is the application of
continuum mechanics to interpret and predict the tidal deformations of planetary and satellite bodies and their atmospheres and oceans, under the gravitational loading of another astronomical body or bodies. It commonly refers to the fluid dynamic motions for theEarth 'socean s.Tidal physics
Tidal forcing
The forces discussed here apply to body (Earth tides), oceanic and atmospheric tides. Atmospheric tides on Earth, however, tend to be dominated by forcing due to solar heating.
On the planet (or satellite) experiencing tidal motion consider a point at latitude varphi and longitude lambda at distance a from the center of mass, then point can written in cartesian coordinates as mathbf{p} = amathbf{x} where
:mathbf{x} = (cos lambda cos varphi, sin lambda cos varphi, sin varphi).
Let delta be the
declination and alpha be theright ascension of the deforming body, theMoon for example, then the vector direction is:mathbf{x}_m = (cos alpha cos delta, sin alpha cos delta, sin delta),
and r_m be the orbital distance between the center of masses and M_m the mass of the body. Then the force on the point is
:mathbf{F}_{a}= frac{G M_m (r_mmathbf{x}_{m}-amathbf{x})}{R^3}.
where R = |r_mmathbf{x}_{m}-amathbf{x}| For a circular orbit the angular momentum omega centripetal acceleration balances gravity at the planetary center of mass
:Mr_{cm}omega^2= frac{G M M_m }{r_m^2}.
where r_{cm} is the distance between the center of mass for the orbit and planet and M is the planetary mass.Consider the point in the reference fixed without rotation, but translating at a fixed translation with respect to the center of mass of the planet. The body's centripetal force acts on the point so that the total force is
:mathbf{F}_p= frac{G M_m (r_mmathbf{x}_{m}-amathbf{x})}{R^3} -r_{cm}omega^2mathbf{x}_m.
Substituting for center of mass acceleration, and reordering
:mathbf{F}_p = G M_m r_m left( frac {1}{R^3} - frac {1}{r_m^3} ight) mathbf{x}_m -frac{ ( G M_m amathbf{x})}{R^3}.
In ocean tidal forcing, the radial force is not significant, the next step is to rewrite the mathbf{x}_m coefficient. Let varepsilon= a / r_m then
:R = r_m sqrt{ 1+ varepsilon ^2-2 varepsilon ( mathbf{x}_m,mathbf{x} ) }
where mathbf{x}_m,mathbf{x} )= cos z is the inner product determining the angle "z" of the deforming body or Moon from the zenith. This means that
:left( frac {1}{R^3} - frac {1}{r_m^3} ight) approx- frac{3varepsilon cos z }{r_m^3},
if ε is small. If particle is on the surface of the planet then the local gravity isg=frac{ G M}{a^2} andset mu= M_a / M.
:mathbf{F}_p = g mu varepsilon^3 cos z mathbf{x}_m frac{ ( g mu a^3mathbf{x})}{R^3} + O(varepsilon^4),
which is a small fraction of g. Note also that force is attractive toward the Moon when the z
and repulsive when z > pi/2. This can also be used to derive a tidal potential.
Laplace's tidal equations
in 1776,
Pierre-Simon Laplace formulated a single set of linearpartial differential equation s, for tidal flow described as abarotropic two-dimensional sheet flow.Coriolis effect s are introduced as well as lateral forcing by gravity. Laplace obtained these equations by simplifying thefluid dynamic equations. But they can also be derived from energy integrals viaLagrange's equation .For a fluid sheet of
average thickness "D", the vertical tidal elevation "ς", as well as the horizontal velocity components "u" and "v" (in thelatitude "φ" andlongitude "λ" directions, respectively) satisfy Laplace's tidal equations [http://kiwi.atmos.colostate.edu/group/dave/pdf/LTE.frame.pdf] [http://siam.org/pdf/news/621.pdf] ::egin{align} frac{partial zeta}{partial t} &+ frac{1}{a cos( varphi )} left [ frac{partial}{partial lambda} (uD) + frac{partial}{partial varphi} left(vD cos( varphi ) ight) ight] = 0, \ [2ex] frac{partial u}{partial t} &- v left( 2 Omega sin( varphi ) ight) + frac{1}{a cos( varphi )} frac{partial}{partial lambda} left( g zeta + U ight) =0 qquad ext{and} \ [2ex] frac{partial v}{partial t} &+ u left( 2 Omega sin( varphi ) ight) + frac{1}{a} frac{partial}{partial varphi} left( g zeta + U ight) =0, end{align}where "Ω" is theangular frequency of the planet's rotation, "g" is the planet's gravitational acceleration at the mean ocean surface, and "U" is the external gravitational tidal-forcingpotential .William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) rewrote Laplace's momentum terms using the curl to find an equation for
vorticity . Under certain conditions this can be further rewritten as a conservation of vorticity.Tidal analysis and prediction
Harmonic analysis
There are about 62 constituents that could be used, but many less are needed to predict tides accurately.
Tidal constituents
Amplitudes are given for the following example locations: :ME Eastport, :MS Biloxi, :PR San Juan, :AK Kodiak, :CA San Francisco, and :HI Hilo.
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