- The Age of Intelligent Machines
"The Age Of Intelligent Machines" is the title of an
artificial intelligence documentary (1987 ) and book (1990 , ISBN 0-262-11121-7 / ISBN 0-262-61079-5) by futuristRay Kurzweil ; this was his first book and it won the "Most OutstandingComputer Science Book of 1990" award by theAssociation of American Publishers .Many guest "A.I. experts" were featured.Organization
* Prologue: The Second Industrial Revolution
* Chapter 1: The Roots of Artificial Intelligence
* Chapter 2: Philosophical Roots
** A Platonic Dialog on the Nature of Human Thought
** The Age of Intelligent People
** A Conversation between a Human Computer and a Materialist Philosopher
** ELIZA Passes the Turing Test
** A Coffeehouse Conversation on the Turing Test
* Chapter 3: Mathematical Roots
* Chapter 4: The Formula for Intelligence
** A NOR B--The Basis of Intelligence?
* Chapter 5: Mechanical Roots
* Chapter 6: Electronic Roots
* Chapter 7: The Moving Frontier
* Chapter 8: The Search for Knowledge
** An Expert System for Automotive Diagnosis
** The Significance of Fifth-Generation Computer Systems
** Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems--AI in the U.K.
* Chapter 9: The Science of Art
** A (Kind Of) Turing Test
** Artificial Intelligence and Musical Composition
** All Work and No Play Makes HAL a Dull Program
** The Mechanics of Creativity
* Chapter 10: Visions
** Fairy Tales
* Chapter 11: The Impact On...
** A Technology of Liberation
* Chronology
* Growing Up in the Age of Intelligent Machines: Reconstructions of the Psychological and Reconsiderations of the Human
* The Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence
* Can Computers Think?
* A Personal Postscript
* Thoughts about Artificial Intelligence
* Can Machines Think?
* Knowledge Processing--From File Servers to Knowledge Servers
* Brother Giorgio's Kangaroo
* PostscriptFuture predictions
Early 2000s
*Translating telephones allow people to speak to each other in different languages.
*Machines designed to transcribe speech into computer text allow deaf people to understand spoken words.
*Exoskeletal, robotic leg prostheses allow the paraplegic to walk.
*Telephone calls are routinely screened by intelligent answering machines that ask questions to determine the call's nature and priority.
*"Cybernetic chauffeurs" can drive cars for humans and can be retrofitted into existing cars. They work by communicating with other vehicles and with sensors embedded along the roads.Early 21st century
*The classroom is dominated by computers. Intelligent courseware that can tailor itself to each student by recognizing their strengths and weaknesses exists. Media technology allows students to manipulate and interact with virtual depictions of the systems and personalities they are studying.
*A small number of highly skilled people dominates the entire production sector. Tailoring of products for individuals is common.
*Drugs are designed and tested in simulations that mimic the human body.
*Blind people navigate and read text using machines that can visually recognize features of their environment.Note: Since the "Early 2000s" and "Early 21st century" predictions are both listed before the "2010" predictions in the technology Chronology, it can be assumed that the timeframe for the first two is 2000-2010.
*PCs are capable of answering queries by accessing information wirelessly via the Internet.
*Phone calls entail three-dimensional holographic images of both people.
*By 2020, there will be a newWorld government .2020-2070
*A computer passes the
Turing Test , becoming the first true Artificial Intelligence.Note: Kurzweil put his money where his mouth was on the [http://www.longbets.org/bets Long Bets] website, wagering that this prediction will come true. Betting against Mitchell Kapor, founder of
Lotus Software Corporation for a payout of $20,000, or $10,000 each.Centuries hence
*Computer intelligence becomes superior to human intelligence in all areas.
ee also
Simulated reality External links
* [http://www.kurzweilai.net/bios/frame.html Kurzweilai.net] , The entire book and video (along with many other related publications by other authors) are freely available on this site.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.