Fox Racing

Fox Racing

Fox Racing is a company that produces motocross clothing.


Fox Racing Inc. was founded in 1974 by Geoff Fox in Morgan Hill, California, USA. It started as a small business distributing European motocross bikes. After two years, Moto-X Fox, as it was originally known, was making high-performance suspension and engine components for racers. Geoff Fox started a racing team to showcase his products and after fans saw the bright gear his riders wore, they began calling him to get them. By 1980 Fox had reshaped his company to be a part of the United States Motocross apparel industry. In later years Fox started to make BMX gear and sell products in New Zealand.

Today, the company is still a family owned business with all four of Geoff's children working full-time for the company. They now offer apparel for BMX, Wakeboarding, Surfing, and Mountain biking. According to the company, the Fox Head logo is one of the most recognized alternative sports brands. [cite news
title = Motocross firm builds on its brand.
publisher = San Jose Mercury News
date = 2005-12-01
url =
accessdate = 2008-02-20
] They also offer a line of casual wear that includes the following: t-shirts, shorts, hats, jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets in both men's and women's sizes.


External links

* [ Fox History]
* [ Fox Racing Official Site]

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