

Postum was a powdered roasted grain beverage sold by the Kraft Foods company as a coffee substitute. The caffeine-free beverage mix was created by company founder C. W. Post in 1895 and produced and marketed by Postum Cereal Company as a healthy alternative to coffee. Post was a student of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg who believed caffeine to be unhealthy. Postum was made from wheat bran, wheat, molasses, and maltodextrin from corn. It was discontinued in Autumn of 2007. [cite web | author=Sara Israelsen-Hartley | title=Fans in withdrawal from coffee substitute Postum | url=,5143,695240438,00.html | work=Deseret Morning News | date=1 January 2008| accessdate=2008-03-01] [cite news | author=Taashi Rowe | title=Goodbye to Postum | url= | work=Adventist News | date=22 January 2008| accessdate=2008-03-01]

Before being discontinued in October of 2007, it was sold in the USA and Canada. The Canadian packaging included English, as well as French, on the label. The 8 oz. (226g) glass jar contained about 75 teaspoon servings. This 10 calorie beverage was caffeine free, fat free, trans-fat free, sodium free, and Kosher. In addition to the original flavor, there was also a coffee-flavored version.

In the wake of its discontinuance, a number of replica recipes for Postum have circulated across the Internet. [,1630,149185-250198,00.html]

Postum was sometimes marketed by an invisible cartoon ghost named, "Mister Coffee Nerves", who would appear in situations wherein normal human characters were shown in uncomfortable life-situations (e.g. irritability, lack of sleep, loss of athletic prowess) due to their use of coffee and its negative effects. These cartoons always ended with the humans switching to Postum and Mister Coffee Nerves running away until the next cartoon. [cite web | author=James Lileks | title=The Adventures of Mr. Coffee Nerves | url= | | date= | accessdate=2008-03-01]

It was also a sponsor for the radio show "Lum and Abner".


External links

* [ A biography of C.W. (Charles William) Post]

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  • postum — POSTÚM, Ă, postumi, e, adj. 1. (Despre opere literare, ştiinţifice etc.) Publicat după moartea autorului. ♦ (Substantivat, f.) Postumele lui Eminescu. 2. (Despre aprecieri, distincţii etc.) Care se acordă, se atribuie sau se recunoaşte cuiva după …   Dicționar Român

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