65536 (number)

65536 (number)

number= 65536
range = 10000 - 100000
cardinal = sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-six
ordinal = th
numeral =
factorization = 2^{16}
prime =
divisor = 17
roman =
unicode =
greek prefix =
latin prefix =
bin = 10000000000000000
oct =
duo =
hex = 10000

65536 is the natural number following 65535 and preceding 65537.

65536 is a power of two: 2^{16} (2 to the 16th power).

65536 is the smallest number with "exactly" 17 divisors. [Sequence [http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A005179 A005179] in OEIS)]

In mathematics

65536 is 2^{2^{2^{2}, so in tetration notation 65536 is ^42.

When expressed using Knuth's up-arrow notation, 65536 is2 uparrow 16,which is equal to2 uparrow 2 uparrow 2 uparrow 2,which is equivalent to2 uparrowuparrow 4or2 uparrowuparrowuparrow 3. [ [http://home.earthlink.net/~mrob/pub/math/numbers-14.html Notable Properties of Specific Numbers] , Robert Munafo]

65536 is a superperfect number - a number such that σ(σ("n"))=2"n". [MathWorld|urlname=SuperperfectNumber |title=Superperfect Number]

65536 is the only power of 2 less than 231000 that does not contain the digits 1, 2, 4 or 8 in its decimal representation. [cite book|last=Wells|first=David|title=The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers|publisher=Penguin|date=1986|isbn=0140261494]

In computing

65536 (216) is the number of different values representable in a number of 16 binary digits, also known as a short integer in many computer programming systems. Therefore,
* The Motorola 68000 family, x86 architecture, and other computing platforms have a word size of 16 bits, representing 65536 possible values. (32- or 64-bit operations are supported equally or better in modern microprocessor.)
* 65536 is the maximum number of spreadsheet rows supported by Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel 2002 and Excel 2003. Text files that are larger than 65536 rows cannot be imported to these versions of Excel. [ [http://support.microsoft.com/kb/120596 Microsoft Help Q120596] ]
* A 16-bit microprocessor chip can directly access 65536 memory addresses, and the 16-bit highcolour graphics standard supports a colour palette of 65536 different colours.
* TCP supports 65536 distinct ports (0-65535).
* Unreal Engine 2 only allows a view distance of 65536 UU, or Unreal Units.

In popular culture

There are 65536 different charts in Western geomancy.


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