- Gloria (Happy Feet)
caption= Gloria (left) dances with Mumble (right) after the latter has fully lost his youth down.
species=Emperor Penguin
voiced by=Alyssa Shafer (chick),Brittany Murphy (adult)
heartsong= "Boogie Wonderland " (Earth, Wind & Fire )
mate=Mumble|Gloria is a fictional
emperor penguin , and the romantic interest of Mumble of the 2006animated film , "Happy Feet ". She was voiced byAlyssa Shafer as a chick, andBrittany Murphy as an adult."Happy Feet" Story
As a chick
Gloria is the offspring of Maurice and Michelle, fellow colony members and friends of Memphis and Norma Jean. She is slightly older than her best friend, Mumble, and knew him from before he hatched. When Memphis feared that Mumble's egg was stillborn, Gloria tapped on it with her bill - and a pair of feet thumped back. When the egg moved around and made muffled sounds, Gloria named the chick "Mr. Mumble," and the name stuck.
In Miss Viola's class in Penguin Elementary, Gloria quickly established herself as a musical prodigy, and Mumble is entranced by her wonderful voice. When Mumble himself tries to sing, he can accomplish nothing more than squeaky screeching. The entire class laughs at him - all except Gloria, who defends him. In subsequent singing classes, Mumble spends his time at the back of the class and daydreams, while Gloria sings more beautifully by the day.
Her heartsong is Boogie Wonderland.
oul mates
During Mumble's time in Adélie Land, Gloria gains hundreds of interested suitors, as her reputation precedes her. By the time Mumble returns, Gloria is nearly overwhelmed by the amount of attention. She sings her Heartsong, "
Boogie Wonderland ," endlessly - but none of the males interest her in the least. Mumble attempts to impress her with a lip synced Spanish rendition of "My Way,". Gloria is fooled only for a moment, for she knows Mumble can't sing and soon sees through his ruse. Though they are true companions, Mumble simply does not have a Heartsong. When Gloria starts heading back to the mob of suitors (visibly disheartened by Mumbles lack of a singing voice), Mumble attempts to harmonize with her Heartsong by tapping in rhythm and Gloria immediantly becomes entranced by it. Finally realising the they were meant to be, Gloria joins Mumble in his dancing, along with nearly the entire colony who've also been won over. Their fun is cut short by Noah, the Emperor Nation's wizened leader. He calls Mumble's dancing "unruly nonsense" and scapegoats him for bringing famine to the colony. According to the elders, Mumble's "happy feet" are a deviant "pagan" practice that is displeasing the emperor'sdeity , the Great 'Guin, and the god is withholding the fish as punishment. When Mumble is banished from Emperor Nation, Gloria greatly protests the action taken, and has to be restrained by her parents as Mumble leaves.Unbeknownst to Mumble and the amigos, however, Gloria follows them and catches up to the group. Professing love for her chosen mate, Gloria wants to journey with him. Mumble doesn't want her to come in harm's way, though - so he trys to get her to go back by saying they would never be able to keep an egg safe out in the unknown. But Gloria "doesn't need an egg to be happy." In a last desperate move, Mumble then starts insulting her repeatedly, driving her away so he can continue on. Gloria doesn't realize that Mumble is only trying to protect her, however - and she takes his words seriously as she turns to leave. Hurting, but determined, Mumble continues onward.
About three months later, Mumble returns to the penguin colony, exclaiming that he has found out what is causing the food shortage. Angry and happy to see him again, Gloria is just as skeptical as all the other penguins. Mumble sees Seymour with Gloria and baby penguins with them. Mumble thinks that Gloria and Seymour are now a pair, but Gloria introduces the baby penguins as their singing class; Seymour teaches rhythm and Gloria teaches the blues. Gloria "never heard the right song" and remained alone during Mumbles time gone. She is the first to notice the tracking device on Mumble's back.
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