

Gloria may refer to:

In Catholic liturgy and music

*"Gloria in Excelsis Deo", the main doxology of the Catholic Mass
**Gloria (Vivaldi), a musical setting of the doxology by Antonio Vivaldi
**Gloria (Poulenc), a composition written in 1959 by Francis Poulenc
*"Gloria Patri", a relatively short, common doxology

ongs and albums

*"Gloria" (Leon René song), written by Leon René in the 1940s
*"Gloria" (Them song), written by Van Morrison in 1964
*"Gloria" (Umberto Tozzi song), written by Umberto Tozzi in 1979 and also covered by Laura Branigan in 1982
*"Gloria" (U2 song), from U2's 1981 album "October"
*"Gloria!", the eighth studio album released by U.S. solo singer Gloria Estefan
*"Gloria" (Okean Elzy album), an album by Ukrainian band Okean Elzy
*"Gloria" (Disillusion album), an album by German band Disillusion
*"Gloria", a song from Mineral's 1997 debut album "The Power of Failing"
*"Gloria", a song by Enchantment

Films and television

*"Gloria" (film) (1980), a film directed by John Cassavetes
*"Gloria" (film) (1999), a remake of John Cassavetes' "Gloria" by Sidney Lumet
*"Gloria" (TV series) , an "All in the Family" spin-off


*Gloria, Oriental Mindoro, a municipality in the Philippines
*Gloria, Rio de Janeiro, a residential district near the downtown of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


*The Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments project


*Gloria Bistriţa, a Romanian soccer club
*Gloria Buzău, a Romanian soccer club


*Hurricane Gloria of 1985.
*Nissan Gloria, a Japanese automobile.
*Gloria, a penguin character from the film "Happy Feet"
*Gloria (ship), a Colombian Naval University ship
*GLORIA sidescan sonar, a long range sidescan sonar system


*Gloria Gaynor - An American singer, best-known for the disco hit "I Will Survive"
*Gloria Estefan - A Cuban-American singer and songwriter.
*Gloria Hendry - African-American actress
*Gloria - Famous Bulgarian pop/folk singer
*Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo - current President of the Philippines.
*Gloria D. Miklowitz - An author of young adult literature
*Gloria Paul - Anglo-Italian actress
*Gloria Steinem - American feminist icon.
*Gloria - Irish singer, famous for her version of the song "One Day at a Time"

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  • Gloria — Gloria …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • gloria — [ glɔrja ] n. m. • 1680; mot lat. « gloire » 1 ♦ Inv. Hymne de louange récitée ou chantée à la messe, après le Kyrie, et qui commence par les mots Gloria in excelsis Deo (Gloire à Dieu). Chanter un gloria, des gloria. Le Gloria de Vivaldi. 2 ♦… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gloria — (Del lat. glorĭa). 1. f. Reputación, fama y honor que resulta de las buenas acciones y grandes calidades. 2. Gusto o placer vehemente. La gloria del estudioso es estudiar. 3. Persona o cosa que ennoblece o ilustra en gran manera a otra. Cervantes …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Gloria — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Ciencia 2 Cine y televisión 3 Música 4 Religión 5 Miscel …   Wikipedia Español

  • gloria — sustantivo femenino 1. (no contable) Área: religión Entre los cristianos, estado o lugar en que los bienaventurados gozan de la presencia de Dios: Que Dios lo tenga en su gloria. Sinónimo: cielo. 2. (no contable) Gran fama y reconocimiento: La… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • gloria — patri ou, simplement, gloria (glo ri a pa tri ou glo ri a) s. m. 1°   Terme de liturgie. Verset qui termine tous les psaumes.    Gloria in excelsis, espèce d hymne que l on chante à la messe.    Terme de musique. Chant composé pour cette partie… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • gloria (1) — {{hw}}{{gloria (1)}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Grandissima fama, rinomanza che si ottiene per capacità, opere o meriti eccezionali: aspirare, pervenire alla gloria | Coprirsi di –g, acquistarne molta | (scherz.) Lavorare per la –g, senza retribuzione; SIN.… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • glória — s. f. 1. Honra, fama, celebridade, adquirida por obras, feitos, virtudes, talentos, etc. (ex.: glória artística, glória literária). 2. Preito, homenagem (ex.: glória ao vencedor). 3. Pessoa ou obra famosa ou que é motivo de orgulho (ex.: glória… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Glória — ist der Name einer Stadt im brasilianischen Bahia, siehe Glória (Bahia) eines Stadtteils der brasilianischen Stadt Rio de Janeiro, siehe Glória (Rio de Janeiro) eines Stadtteils der brasilianischen Stadt Joinville, siehe Glória (Joinville) einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gloria — (Сантьяго,Чили) Категория отеля: Адрес: Huerfanos 1400, Сантьяго центр города, 8340431 Сан …   Каталог отелей

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