Novi Punk Val

Novi Punk Val
Novi Punk Val

Novi Punk Val (meaning New Punk Wave) is a compilation album of Punk rock and New Wave music from the SFR Yugoslavia. It covers the period from 1978 till 1980. It was released by ZKP RTLJ in 1980. It includes songs by notable Slovenian and Croatian artists from the former Yugoslav Punk and Yugoslav New Wave scene including: Pankrti, Paraf, Prljavo kazalište, Termiti and others.

Along with Paket aranžman and Artistička radna akcija compilations which featured artists from Belgrade, Serbia it is considered a symbol of the former Yugoslav punk and New Wave era.

Track listing

  1. "Anarhist" - Pankrti
  2. "Tovar'ši, jest vam ne verjamem" - Pankrti
  3. "Lublana je bulana" - Pankrti
  4. "Moj je otac bio u ratu" - Prljavo kazalište
  5. "Videti jih" - 92 (also known as Grupa 92)
  6. "Sranje" - Problemi
  7. "Grad izobilja" - Problemi
  8. "Možgani na asfaltu" - Berlinski zid
  9. "Po cestah mesta" - Berlinski zid
  10. "Narodna pjesma" - Paraf
  11. "Kontroliram misli" - 92
  12. "To ni balet" - Buldogi
  13. "Vjeran pas" - Termiti
  14. "Mama, s razlogom se brineš" - Termiti
  15. "Vremenska progonoza" - Termiti

See also

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