Hochschild homology

Hochschild homology

In mathematics, Hochschild homology is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors.

Definition of Hochschild homology of algebras

Let k be a ring, A an associative k- algebra, and M an A-bimodule. We will write "A""n" for the n-fold tensor product of A over k. The chain complex that gives rise to Hochschild homology is given by

: C_n(A,M) := M otimes A^{otimes n}

with boundary operator "d""i" defined by : d_0(motimes a_0 otimes cdots otimes a_n) = ma_1 otimes a_2 cdots otimes a_n : d_i(motimes a_0 otimes cdots otimes a_n) = motimes a_1 otimes cdots otimes a_i a_{i+1} otimes cdots otimes a_n : d_n(motimes a_0 otimes cdots otimes a_n) = a_n motimes a_1 otimes cdots otimes a_{n-1}

Here "a"i is in A for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and "m" ∈ M. If we let : b=sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^i d_i, then b ° b = 0, so (Cn(A,M), b) is a chain complex called the Hochschild complex, and its homology is the Hochschild homology of A with coefficients in M.


The maps "d"i are face maps making the family of modules Cn(A,M) a simplicial object in the category of k-modules, ie. a functor Δo → "k"-mod, where "Δ" is the simplicial category and "k"-mod is the category of k-modules. Here Δo is the opposite category of Δ. The degeneracy maps are defined by "s"i("a"0 ⊗ ··· ⊗ "a"n) = "a"0 ⊗ ··· "a"i ⊗ 1 ⊗ "a"i+1 ⊗ ··· ⊗ "a"n. Hochschild homology is the homology of this simplicial module.

Hochschild homology of functors

The simplicial circle "S"1 is a simplicial object in the category "Fin*" of finite pointed sets, ie. a functor Δo → "Fin*". Thus, if F is a functor "F": "Fin" → "k"-mod, we get a simplicial module by composing F with "S"1 : Delta^o overset{S^1}{longrightarrow} Fin_* overset{F}{longrightarrow} k ext{-}operatorname{mod} .The homology of this simplicial module is the Hochschild homology of the functor "F". The above definition of Hochschild homology of commutative algebras is the special case where "F" is the Loday functor.

Loday functor

A skeleton for the category of finite pointed sets is given by the objects : n_+ = {0,1,...,n} , where 0 is the basepoint, and the morphisms are the basepoint preserving set maps. Let "A" be a commutative k-algebra and "M" be a symmetric "A"-bimodule. The Loday functor "L(A,M)" is given on objects in "Fin*" by : n_+ mapsto M otimes A^{otimes n} .

A morphism :f:m_+ ightarrow n_+ is sent to the morphism f* given by : f_*(a_0 otimes cdots otimes a_n) = (b_0 otimes cdots otimes b_m) where : b_j = prod_{f(i)=j} a_i, ,, j=0,...,n, and bj = 1 if f^{-1}(j)=∅.

Another description of Hochschild homology of algebras

The Hochschild homology of a commutative algebra "A" with coefficients in a symmetric "A"-bimodule "M" is the homology associated to the composition : Delta^o overset{S^1}{longrightarrow} Fin_* overset{mathcal{L}(A,M)}{longrightarrow} k ext{-}operatorname{mod}, and this definition agrees with the one above.


*Jean-Louis Loday, "Cyclic Homology", Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften Vol. 301, Springer (1998) ISBN 3-540-63074-0
* [http://www.math.purdue.edu/~jinhyun/note/cyclic/cyclic.pdf A personal note on Hochschild and Cyclic homology]
* [http://www.numdam.org/item?id=ASENS_2000_4_33_2_151_0 Hodge decomposition for higher order Hochschild homology]

ee also

*Cyclic homology

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