

In Greek mythology, Delphyne (Greek: Δελφύνη) is the name of the female dragon who was appointed by her mother, Gaea, to guard the oracle of Delphi. She is sometimes called Python and may, in the stories, be replaced with or accompanied by a male dragon (either Python or Typhon). She is sometimes equated with Echidna, a monster with the head and torso of woman, but the lower part of a snake, who was the consort of Typhon.

In one tale, Delphyne (here half maiden, half snake, like Echidna) guards the sinews of Zeus, which had been stolen by her mate Typhon.[1][2][3] She was slain by Apollo. Apollo's title Delphinius is, in some stories, interpreted as having come from his slaying of Delphyne (or from showing the Cretan colonists the way to Delphi whilst riding on a dolphin).[4]

See also


  1. ^ Apollonius Rhodius, 2.694-2.713
  2. ^ Nonnus. Dionysiaca,13.22.
  3. ^ Apollodorus. The Library, 1.6.3.
  4. ^ Homer. The Homeric Hymns, Hymn to Apollo, 474.

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