- Landbrukstidende
"Landbrukstidende" is a Norwegian agricultural magazine. The
magazine was established by Olav Dalsaune and Karl Hagerup in 1895, and is still one of Norwegian farmers' major sources of agro-news and agro-bulletins.The magazine's circulation is 19.500 (Fagpressen, 2004). Annually there are 20 editions in a
tabloid format. Ole T. Hofstad is managing editor.Landbrukstidende's
publisher , Landbrukssamvirkets Informasjonskontor Midt-Norge (LIM AS), is also responsible for the Norwegian agro news site [http://www.gardsplassen.no Gardsplassen.no]Gardsplassen.no was established in
1997 , and is today a daily provider of agro news tofarmer s in all parts ofNorway .The editorial staff for both Landbrukstidende and Gardsplassen.no is based in
Trondheim , with a local office inHarstad .
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