- House of Candia
The House of Candia also called "Candida" in Latin is a European dynastic house, originally from "Castrum Candiaco" in the
Dauphiné of the nobility ofSavoy andPiemont , descendants of Burgandians andLombards and related to the Norman dynasty from the seat at the Baronnie deCandé and latter through their union to the Hautville of Ventimiglia or Altavilla, that traditionally had domains in Piemont and the Kingdoms of Italy. The first family unions and lands registry were recorded by the Provesto of Ivrea in regard to the fiefdoms of Candia Canavese and Candia Lomellina, and then by the Prince-Bishops ofGeneva and their fort-castle at Chambéry-Le-Vieux under the name "Chateau de Candie", there are also registries of properties and family unions in the Piedmont recorded by the Podesta ofIvrea of their fiefdom and castle inCandia Canavese andLomellina under the name of Castrum Kandian or Castello di Candia today known as "Castelfiorito" de Candia Canavese. They were, and continues to be considered, vassals of the headHouse of Savoy .[
STEMMA CANDIÆ Old Arms of Candia from theSavoyard Heraldry Registry,Château de Candie,Chambéry -Le-Vieux, France]Origin
Reference, Dossier: Aïeux de la ligné de Candé et du Lion d'angers, N° notice: IA49002301(c) Inventaire général, 2001, Commune de Candé, France
The name comes from Scandia in Frankish-Latin or the Medieval Latin term "Candiaco" as originally written in most historical documents, latter it was fashioned in various regional languages: in
Loire called "Candé " first registered in the Castrum Baronum under "Castrum Candiaco" in the Dauphiné old French, inSavoy andL'Isle CantonVaud "Candie" and also "Chandieu", inProvençal andPiemontese "Candia" as inCandia Canavese , and finally inLatin "Candida ". The name from theLombard language perhaps was compared to the Scandinavian term "Scandia " but in fact is taken from the Latin term "Candetum Castrum " in reference to the fief of Hagan Candiaco (Payen de Candé = Paganus Candiaco, cf. the latinization in theGesta Danorum ); other sources indicated the meaning of the name originated from the Latin term "castrum candiaco" or "agro candiacensi" which means clear or shining place, probably the location where the first castle of Candia was built.1) The de Candé du Lion d'Angers line, or first house:
Payen de Candé was the first Lord of the Anjou-Chateaubriant to hold this name, from his fiefdom and old castle of Cande, he was married to Mahaut de Lion d'Angers. Their daughter was Mahaut de Candé (Aïeux de la ligné de Candé et du Lion d'angers) married to Foulques le Normand de Petit-Montrevault (Aïeux de la ligné de Montrevault, Doué et Saumur); their son wasGeoffroy Rorgon de Candé, seigneur de Candé et du Lion-d'Angers, Lord of Castle and Barony of Candé. Geodfrey crossed France and enter Italy following count Hugues de Vermandois and Robert Duke of Normandy to Bari, on their way to liberate Jerusalem. Geodfrey Rorgon (de Candé et du Lion d'angers) died in Palestine around 1100. His sons received the old Castle-Fort of Candé and the fiefdoms in Savoy-Piedmont, and his younger brother the fiefdom of Montreuil in Anjou; the descendents fashioned the name in the Gallo-Roman style de Candiæ (Ref: Histoire de la baronnie de Candé, Maine et Loire, par Odile Halbert)2) The de Candiæ Savoyard line, or second house:The house was issued by Roger de Candiæ son of Odo son of Crispin of the
House of Crepon , in 1050 in the Principality of Geneva. Latter his lineage under count Roger de Candie of Chambery married Isabelle deCroan -Nevers of the House of l’Entre-deux-Mers; marriage registered in Chambery in 1212 by the Prince-Bishops of Geneva. They holded fiefdoms in Savoy and Piemont under the title of "de Candie Vice-Counts of Geneva" of the Principality of Geneva. This family originated from the evolution of theHoly Roman Empire , from a junior branch of theHouse of Crêpon . Later their descendant's union by marriage to theHauteville family gave then access toVentimiglia , in Italian: Ventimiglia(famiglia), and eventually to theMezzogiorno . Later one of their branches became known as an Italian lineage, called Saint-Severin or de Candida Filangieri Sanseverino.The "House of Candia" ( _it. "Casa Candia or Candida" , French: "Maison de Candie", "Maison de Chandie" and "Old Maison de Candé") is a
dynasty of Western Europe that became part of the "Sapaudia Novilitas", the nobility of the Kingdom ofSavoy latter parts of Italy, France and Switzerland. The house began its legacy during the Crusades asKnights Templar and has links to theSwiss Guards and theBenedictine monks . They recorded history by their dealings as Viscounts ofGeneva the official Latin term "vicedominus Genevarum"," a feudal title in old France and Switzerland. They ruled theVidame or "Vidominus" of the Prince-Bishops of Geneva. Originally de Candie was created from the union of a juniorbranch of theHouse of Crêpon of Denmark at Normandie and the House of Croan-Nevers, that in the 10th cent settled in the Alps region of the Kingdom ofLotharingia (German: Lotharingien. Subsequently, they relocated their seat to theKingdom of Burgundy on Lake Geneva and part of the Alps region latter theDuchy of Savoy (today’s parts of French Savoy, the Italian Piedmont and the Swiss Lake of Geneva region).Though originally a simple noble family, the Candie later heirs to a large account of feudal possessions and titles across Europe always supported by their strong links to theHoly See . Along the crusades and thereafter through conquest, marriage, and diplomacy this house successors expanded their holdings in France, Switzerland, and Italy; including lordships inChambéry -LeVieux, Arneis-Langhe ,Candia Canavese ,Candida ,Bugey ,Apulia ,Sardinia ,Nice , andSpain .Historical Records
François de Candia, Lord of Derruyere in Savoy, became Viscount of Geneva. He was from the line of the De Candia of Bresse whom came from "Borgo San Dalmazzo" (a place near Ventimiglia also called "Dalmatie" in French).
Frank of Candie (French=
François de Candie , Italian= Franco de Candia), 1erViscount ofGeneva , c. 1314 -26 Dec ,1360 ). This territory today belongs to theDiocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg . François was aSwiss -Savoyard noble, who married the second daughter of the prince of Geneva. Along his service for thePrince-Bishop of Geneva he was the commander in Chief of the troops that controlled the Alps passages and the legal doings of theVidominus . In 1377 François de Candie wasCaptain of theCastle of the Rodan (French= capitaine du château de l'Ile sur le Rhône). He was educated by the clergy at the Monastery of Sion (GermanSitten ) of the Catholic SwissKnights . According to academic registries, François was a skilled diplomat and strategist. He masteredLatin , French, Italian, German and Greek.He represented the interests of Geneva in the main courts of Europe; this created great tension to the family from the most powerful houses of Europe. In 1453 from their seat as Vidames and Chief of theCatholic Swiss Knights , they protected the secrecy and guarded theHoly Shroud (Shroud of Turin ) in position of the Duke of Savoy at their seat in the Castle of Chambery. Since 1578 the Holy Shroud was moved to Turin, where it has remained until today. The title of Viscount of Geneva is a hereditary title regulated bySalic Law , as such the family enjoyed its ruling until the SwissReferéndum orProtestant Reformation . Today the title is gentility to the family. This branch had many descendents and expanded into Italy and France:This is a list of selected titles held by the family: (A more extensive list can be reviewed at the Library of the Dukes of Candia.)
*Candie (de) Marquis of Candia (XVII), Signior d'Arneis del Roero (En:Lord of Arnes, Fr:d’Arnès)
*Candie (de) Baron ofLüneburg ,(French=Loese , English=Lunenberg or Lueneburg), in Saxony)
*Candie (de) Lord ofBresse (JM7595)
*Candie (de) Viscount of Genèva, Lord of Loese, inSavoy
*Candie (de) Lordship of Chateau de Candie, of Chaffardon, Valley of theCly
*Candia (de) Marquis ofSaint-Simon , Castle of Candia-Le-Vieux or the Saint-Simon inLanguedoc todayDomain of Candia
*Candia (de) Royal Governor General ofNice , under the Savoy'sKingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont The
Turin shroud or called "La Sindone di Torino" can be clearly traced back to the Lirey in theDiocese of Troyes , where we first hear of it about the year 1360. In 1453 it was atChambéry in Savoy, and there in 1532 it narrowly escaped being consumed by a fire which by charring the corners of the folds has left a uniform series of marks on either side of the image. Since 1578 it has remained atTurin where it is now only exposed for veneration at long intervals. ("de Sancta Sindone" was formerly approved byJulius II in the Bull "Romanus Pontifex" of 25 April, 1506, in the course of which the Pope speaks of "that most famous Shroud præclarissima sindone)Southern Italy In 1050 the Candia has it first incursion in Southern Italy with
Angerio de Candie , a crusader knight, under the command ofRoger of Hauteville , later becameRoger I of Sicily . Angerio’s remains are resting at theBenedictine Chapel of theS.S. Trinita di Cava de'Tirreni , under the description of Norman knight, son of Roger of Candie count of Arnes (Italian Ruggero de Candia) of the lineage of Rollon 1stDuke of Normandy . From this incursion and marriage they obtain the fiefdom of Candida since 1187 (Italian TerraCandida ) and was kept for generations latter; registered under count Alduym de Candie called in Italian Alduino deCandida ofAvellino Curia Regis Lord ofCandida Master of theRoyal Court (Italian Maestro della Regia Corte) andLord Judge ofBari who married in 1250 countess Giordana deTricarico Sanseverino lady ofSolofra , until 1420 Candida belonged to the de Candia whenCatherine Filangie de Candie (Italian= CaterinaFilangieri de Candia) gave Candida as a dowry toSergianni Caracciolo . This marriage entered the fiefdoms into theCaracciolo Dynasty, as recorded in the Abby of Cava di Terreni, Jean Caracciol Napolitein or Gianni Caracciolo di Napoli Duke of Melphes and Venossa (+ 18/08/1432), married Catherine Filangieri de Candia Countess of Avellino. They had 2 descendents: Jérôme (murdered in 1426) and Troy or Trojan I Duke ofMelfi (French= duc de Melphes).This lineage was also related to the Gonzaga o Gonzague family of Matua under the denomination of Candida-Gonzaga or Candie-Gonzague , and the Prince ofSan Severo inApulia ."CATALOGUS BARONUM"
The first registry of the Castle of Candia is compiled before 1100. The "Catalagus" "
Baronum ", Catalogue ofBaronies , written from 1150 to 1168 of the lordships and fiefdoms of the Kingdom is signed byRoger II of Sicily (Italian= Ruggero II di Sicilia), it is recorded the lordships of Candia o Candida, Lapio, and Arianiello as properties of count Alduino de Candia son of Ruggero son of Oldoino Odo de Candia son of Crispin of the (Latin= "genti Lortomanne, ovvero Normanne")Normans of the Lotherian people.Latin= "Candium est feudum ij militum, Lapigia et arcanellum feudum ij militum… hoc tenet Guidus et
Rogerius frater eius qui emerunt illud a Curia… Rogerius emitCandidam , et non emerunt nisi solum quod Alduynus de Candida tenebat in Demanio".In the second part of the Catalogue "Baronum" is written: Latin= "Candida est feudum ij militum, Lapigia et arcanellum feudum ij militum… hoc tenet Guidus et Rogerius frater eius qui emerunt illud a Curia… Rogerius emit Candidam, et non emerunt nisi solum quod
Alduynus de Candida tenebat in Demanio". Candium (Candida o Candia) is alordship of 2fiefdom s,Lapio andArianiello is also a lordship of 2 fiefdoms ... assets of Guido and Ruggiero, his brother, whom acquired it from theCuria ... Ruggiero purchased Candida, and only what Alduino de Candida considered a dominium..----
Piedmont 1164 Candia had registered a fiefdom under the mane of
Candium with diploma ofFrederick I during the domain of Pavia. The Podesta of Ivrea in 1205 issued nobility and lordship of theCastrum Candia to the brothers Guglielmo, Giacomo, and Enrico in what is today the territory of Candia Canavese. In 1241 we found the name in the registry of the fiefdom of Candia Lomellina under count Henry of Candia (Italian = Enrico de Candia, in local dialect "Chendiâ " orKent -ia), he rebuild the original castle badly damage by the attacks of the Marquis of Montferrat, the Visconti, and various local enemies; in addition Henry built a Chapel. Enrico de Candia holdings included the Castle of Candia Canavese and lordships of "Candium Laumellorum",Villata andRoncone ; cartographic charters and registries of Agro deiLevi . In 1603 the registry was under count Gianangelo de Candia. These territories were hereditary controlled by the family until 1707 when theCandia Lomellina passed to the ruling of the Duke of Savoy; by then the Candia Laumellorum lineage became a Chatelaine family of the House of Savoy as they were in Chambery.Henry, Count of Malta was a Genoese Lord of Candia (at birth count Enrico de Candia inCandia Canavese , Piedmont), adventurer, privateer and pirate active in the Mediterranean at the beginning of the thirteenth century. He was known as Enrico Pescatore (Pescatore, 'fisherman' in Italian, being a nickname), or Pistore of the House of Candia. Took part in the occupation of Crete and obtained a little fiefdom were is today the Venetian fort-castle that gave the name to the island during medieval times.Contemporary History
Sardinia In 1710 the family settle seat in the fiefdom of
Torre del Greco and latter in the cities ofAlghero andCallegari . The family became involved with maritime affaires of the island and the obtained water fiefdoms (Italian = Direto di mare) and conducted a school ship that collected coral a very valuable commodity while patrolled the waters entering Sardinia. In 1734 we founded the marriage registry of count Serafin of Candia and countess Therese ofSaint–Simon , in 1779 Serafino de Candia obtained royal privilege and diploma of the use of Lord and Lady for himself and wife as well as all the de Candia lineage under royal seal and decrete signed by KingVictor Amadeus II (Italian=Vittorio Amadeo II ) ofSardinia ,Chypre andJerusalem . They were registered as nobles part of the Savoy's Court of Turin, this recognition passed later into the Kingdom of Italy. Its descendences are registered in the Golden Book of the Italian and French Nobility.From this House we have the famous "TenorGiuseppe Mario " (real name= the Marquis de Candia, Cavaliere Giovanni Matteo de Candia), " Mario " was considered the most famoustenor of the 19th century. He married the extraordinary opera singerGiulia Grisi . They traveled all over Europe and kept houses inParis and Sardinia. They have 5 daughters and (perhaps) a son. Their daughter countessCecilia Maria de Candia -Pearse became a well known biographical writer, she married LordPearse and moved to United Kingdom.After the II World War the family was dispersed, today they are living in parts of
Switzerland ,Italy ,France , theUK ,Canada , theUSA , andArgentina .Legacy
The Candiæ were diplomatically skilled, and gained control over strategic passes in the Swiss-French
Alps and in Southern Italy. This advancement in their feudal affaires caused the great powers of Europe; such asFrance ,England , andSpain to take into account the negotiations of the Candia head of family. They contributed a great deal in the expansion of European culture and the Catholic faith in Europe, Jerusalem and along the conquest of the Americas. Their legacy a collection of documents and information, such as the cartographic work of countCarlo de Candia or the poems ofGauvain de Candie , this legacy is kept in theLibrary of the Dukes of Candia .
*Gauvain de Candie , count ofBerruyre ,novelist andpoet , in 1475 at age 28 he composed the famous "Chason" recited poems to the ducal couple ofMarguerite of Austria andPhilibert II, Duke of Savoy .The
monarchy ended with the 1946referendum by which Italians chose therepublic as the form of state (see alsobirth of the Italian Republic ). Under the Constitution of the Italian Republic, all Italian titles were frozen until today. The de Candia family today enjoy the memory and legacy of their ancestry.ummary
The House of Candiæ ( Italian= Casa Candia, French= Maison de Candie) is a dynasty of nobles who traced their lineage to the 'Castrum Candia' (Castello di Candia in
Candia Canavese , Italy) and their fiefdom of the Castle of Candie (Château de Candie situé aChambèry -le-Vieux) built by aBurgundes count who named his feudal state in honour of Skaend orScandia (Scandinavian Goddess and mother of Europa) other sources mentioned the relation toCandidus a previous member of the family, they traditionally had their domain nearChambéry in theDuchy of Savoy , today part ofFrance , and theKingdom of Sardinia , a state which, in 1860, became the Kingdom of Italy under the Savoia or Savoy family, the Italian reigning house until 1946. They once had the lordship of the Vice-Count ofGeneva , vidame de Genève, inSwitzerland , but their access to it was cut by the Swiss during theProtestant Reformation , after which it was conquered by Bern. Though originally a simple noble family, later heirs to a large account of feudal possessions and titles. They were diplomatically skilled, and gained control over strategic passes in the Swiss-FrenchAlps and in SouthernItaly . This caused the great powers such as France, England, and Spain to take the head of the family opinions into account. They contributed a great deal in the expansion of European culture and the Roman Catholic faith and inEurope , Jerusalem and along the conquest of the Americas.The monarchy ended with the 1946 referendum by which Italians chose the republic as the form of state (see also birth of the
Italian Republic ). Under the Constitution of the Italian Republic, some male descendants of the House of Candie or “Casa Candia” were forbidden from entering Italy, for their association with the reigningHouse of Savoy . This provision was removed in 2002.References
* "Archivio degli Amici del Castelfiorito" - www.castelfiorito.com
*"Reference of Candia" - DE CANDIE / DE CANDIA, Document prepared by the bureau of the "count Ludovico de Candia", "Source: Annuaire de la noblesse de France 1861
*Gallica : [http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k365890/f392.itemà]
*LA SOCIETE SAVOISIENNE D'HISTOIRE ET D'ARCHEOLOGIE [http://perso.orange.fr/agfca/tables_chronologiques_de_1.htm]
*"Ref: Chev. épée JO Two Old French Romances: Le Chevalier a l'épée and; Le Roman de Foulque de Candie p. Herbert le duc de Dammartin
*"Ref: The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni edited and translated by Elisabeth M. C. Van Houts. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995."
*Ref: History of the Barony of Candé and the first lord of Candia in French (Histoire de la baronnie de Candé, Maine et Loire), by Odile Halbert
*Dossier : Aïeux de la ligné de Candé et du Lion d'angers, N° notice: IA49002301(c) Inventaire général, 2001, Commune de Candé, France
*"Ref: La Société académique de Savoie a publié à Chambéry des Mémoires sur la carrière politique et militaire de Savoie, 1828.
*Armorial De Candiae, Savoie [http://perso.orange.fr/gdubois/Blasons/Savoie/Candie_de.png]
*Heraldique de France - Maison de Candie [http://www.francegenweb.org/~heraldique/base/details.php?image_id=8834]
*Dynastic House of Candia, Annuairy of the French Nobility 1861 [http://gillesdubois.blogspot.com/2006/12/nobiliaire-de-savoie-c.html]
*Francois de Candie, 1st Vice-Count of Geneva [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_de_Candie]
*Fiefdom of Candia Laumellorum [http://www.comune.candialomellina.pv.it/enter/storia.php]
*Candida [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candida,_Italy]
*Castello di Candia - Archivio degli Amici del Castelfiorito [http://www.castelfiorito.com]
*Candia Lomellina
*Chateau de Candie [http://www.chateaudecandie.com/]
*De Candia [http://www.decandia.esiti.net/]
*Sanseverino capodespite dei de Candia o Candida [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanseverino_%28famiglia%29]
*Casa Ventimiglia - see Wikipedia in Italian as: Ventimiglia (famiglia)
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