

Sho't is the Israeli designation of the Centurion tank.Though the Sho't tank is many times not perceived as the main tank during the Six Day War or the Yom Kippur war; it was infect considered the most effective of any Israeli tank. During the invasion of the Syrian army into the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur war, two damaged Centurion/Sho’t tanks took on 150 Syrian T55/T62 tanks. In the course of the following 30 hour tank battle, the two tanks destroyed over 60 tanks. The destruction of this entire armored division forced the Syrian army to halt their advance.


*Sho't Meteor - Centurion tanks with the original Meteor engine.
*Sho't Kal Alef/Bet/Gimel/Dalet - Modernised Centurion tanks with a new powerpack (the Continental AVDS-1790-2A diesel engine and the Allison CD850-6 transmission). Entered service in 1970; by 1974 all Israeli Centurions were upgraded to Sho't Kal. Subvariants indicate upgrades received by Sho't Kal tanks during their operational life, including a new turret rotating mechanism, a new gun stabilizer, a new fire-control system and preparations for the installation of the Blazer ERA.

ee also

*Nagmashot / Nagmachon / Nakpadon - Israeli heavy armoured personnel carriers based on Centurion tank's chassis.
*Puma - Israeli combat engineering vehicle on Centurion tank chassis.

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