Intermediolateral nucleus
- Intermediolateral nucleus
Infobox Brain
Latin = nucleus intermediolateralis medullae spinalis
GraySubject =
GrayPage =
Caption = Medulla spinalis (Intermediolateral nucleus visible at right in green.)
Caption2 =
IsPartOf = Spinal cord
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
BrainInfoType = ancil
BrainInfoNumber = 956
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = n_11
DorlandsSuf = 12581489
The intermediolateral nucleus is a region of gray matter found in Rexed lamina VII of the spinal column.
It contains several well defined nuclei including the nucleus dorsalis (Clarke's column), the intermediolateral cell column (lateral gray horn), and the sacral autonomic nucleus.
It extends from the first thoracic through the second lumbar segment, and contains the autonomic motor neurons that give rise to the preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic system.
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