D. Elmo Hardy

D. Elmo Hardy

Dilbert Elmo Hardy (1914 – October 17, 2002) was an American entomologist who specialized in Diptera systematics.



In over 70 years of research Hardy published 437 articles and notes in which he named and described nearly 2,000 species in 34 different families of Diptera. He made significant contributions to taxonomy and systematics of flies from the Asia-Pacific Region in particular.

Personal life

Hardy was born in Utah. He died in Honolulu, Hawaii.


  • Pipunculidae and Bibionidae[1]
  • Australian/Oceanian Diptera Catalogue Bibionidae[2]
  • "Family Scenopinidae (Omphralidae)." In N. Papavero, (ed.) A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States, pp.32.1-32.5, Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura. São Paulo, Brazil, 1966.
  • "Family Scenopinidae (Omphralidae)" in A. Stone, C.W. Sabrowsky, W.W. Wirth, R.M. Foote & J.R. Caulson (eds), A Catalogue of Diptera of North America, pp.354-356, Smithsonian Publication, Washington D.C., 1983.
  • (with others) Guide of the insects of Connecticut Part VI. The Diptera or true flies of Connecticut Sixth Fascicle: March flies and gall midges. Bibionidae, Itonididae (Cecidomiidae). Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 87, 218 pp., 15 pl., 29 figs.
  • "The Bibionidae (Diptera) of Nepal, results of the Austrian and the B.P. Bishop Museum Expeditions, 1961 and 1965." Pacific Insects 9(3): 519–536, 1967.
  • with Delfinado, M.D. "The Bibionidae (Diptera) of the Philippines." Pacific Insects 11(1): 117–154, 1969.



  1. ^ Skevington, Jeffrey H.; De Meyer, Marc (2004). "Pipunculidae Research by Elmo Hardy: Another Founding Event on the Hawaiian Islands". D. Elmo Hardy Memorial Volume. Contributions to the Systematics 13 and Evolution of Diptera, Bishop Museum Bulletin in Entomology. pp. 13–25. http://web.archive.org/web/20071008083116/http://www.canacoll.org/Diptera/Staff/Skevington/Hardy%20Bio.pdf. 
  2. ^ Bibionidae at Bishop Museum

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