

title = Hellounicode|!

| image_size = 200px | image_caption =
editor =
frequency = Weekly
category = Celebrity
company = Hello Ltd (Spain)
firstdate = 1988
fiinaldate = -
finalnumber = -
country = United Kingdom
website = [http://www.hellomagazine.com/ www.hellomagazine.com]

"Hello!" is a weekly magazine specialising in celebrity news and gossip, published in Britain. "Hello!" sells editions in Britain, Republic of Ireland, India, UAE, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Thailand, Greece, Canada, and since 2007 Serbia.


Owned by Spanish publisher Eduardo Sánchez Junco, "Hello!" was first published in 1988 and is a spin-off of the Spanish magazine "¡Hola!". Between 1998 and 2004 there was also a French version, "Ohla !".

Although upmarket and away from the real-life formats of the traditional weekly and supermarket checkout ladies magazine, media critics laughed at "Hello!"'s fawning interviews with minor European royals and celebrities. But the highly targeted format quickly built a readership of 2 million copies per issue.

A Mexican edition ofHola!" started in 2006; prior to that date, Spanish editions were sold with a Mexican cover price in Pesos printed on its cover.


The weekly content of "Hello!" is fairly fixed, but the focus shifts as the "Celebdaq"-style rating of the various celebrities rises and falls:

* "Diary of the Week" - photographic coverage of high society and celebrity events
* "Panorama" - an image-based review of current world events
* "Inside Story" - provides an insight into * "Cookery and Travel" sections - focused expansions of the "Fashion and Lifestyle" section


"OK!" magazine launched in 1990, and went weekly in 1996. Not long after, the first of a new raft of celebrity magazines aimed at more mass-market readership than both "Hello!" and "OK!", hit the newsstands. "Now" was launched in 1997, joined by "Heat" in 1999 and then "Closer" in 2002.

Today, "Hello!" and rival "OK!" often try to out-scoop each other, by buying up exclusive rights to celebrity weddings and interviews. OK! currently outsells Hello! by nearly three-to-one.


* 2003 - Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas sued "Hello!" for publishing unauthorised photographs of their wedding. Rival magazine "OK!" had an exclusive contract for pictures of the wedding, and also sued "Hello!" In November 2003, "OK!" was awarded £1,033,156 in damages, and Jones and Douglas received £14,600.

* 2006 - "Hello!", which secured the British rights to the first images of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's newborn daughter, launched legal action with "People" against two websites that printed a leaked exclusive shot of the couple with their new baby daughter. The leaked photo, which contains "Hello!" magazine's logo, shows a headline which reads: "The biggest exclusive of the year. Angelina and Brad with their new Baby Shiloh Nouvel." "People" magazine reportedly paying more than $4 million USD to secure the American rights. [cite news | date = 2006-06-07 | title = Brangelina 'million dollar baby' sparks legal war | url = http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060607/brad_angelina_baby_060607/20060607?hub=TopStories | publisher = CTV.ca| accessdate = 2006-06-07]

Reader trivia

"Hello!" provides specific and extra-ordinary details about its readership, including:

* 82% are womenFact|date=May 2008
* "Hello!" readers are 71% more likely than the average female to choose a car mainly on looksFact|date=May 2lic drink.Fact|date=May 2008
* Only 4% of "Hello!" readers buy tomatoes, as of February 2003.Fact|date=May 2008
* "Hello!" readers are also 64% more likely to vote for an electoral candidate based on his or her hairstyle rather than policies.Fact|date=May 2008


External links

* [http://www.hellomagazine.com "Hello!" magazine website]
* [http://www.hellomagazin.rs/ "Hello! Serbia" official website]
* [http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1303413 Everything2 article on "Hello!"]
* [http://www.hellomag.gr "Hello Greece" official website]

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