Chapin — may refer to: People Alaric B. Chapin (1848–1924), Union hero in American Civil War Alfred C. Chapin (1848–1936), US politician Amzi Chapin (1768–1835), US cabinetmaker, singing school teacher and shapenote composer Andy Chapin (1951–1985), US… … Wikipedia
Plant defense against herbivory — Poison ivy produces urushiol to protect the plant from herbivores. In humans this chemical produces an allergic skin rash, known as urushiol induced contact dermatitis … Wikipedia
Connell–Slatyer model of ecological succession — Ecological succession can be understood as a process of changing species composition within a community due to an ecological disturbance, and varies largely according to the initial disturbance prompting the succession.[1] Joseph Connell and… … Wikipedia
Kobuk River — The Kobuk River is approximately convert|280|mi|km|0|lk=on long, located in the Arctic region of northwestern Alaska in the United States. [USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). [… … Wikipedia
List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1979 — 1979 U.S. and Canadian Fellows= * Irving Martin Abella, Professor of History, York University: 1979. * Vito Acconci, Artist, Brooklyn, New York: 1979. * Nina Agabian, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Washington: 1979. * Jeffrey… … Wikipedia
Crassulaceen-Säurestoffwechsel — Übergeordnet Kohlenstoffdioxid Assimilation Dunkelreaktion Gene Ontology … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry — This list includes members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. As of January 2006, there are 568 members.A*Hans Henrik Abelin *Roger K Abrahamsen *Hans Ackefors *Ingemar Ahlén *Lennart Ahlgren *Håkan Ahlqvist *Håkan Aldén… … Wikipedia
Kempe Award for Distinguished Ecologists — The Kempe Award for Distinguished Ecologists is a prize awarded biennially from 1994 onwards to recognise outstanding individuals within the science of ecology. The Award is an honorarium of SEK 50,000. The award is given by the Kempe Foundations … Wikipedia
List of ecologists — This is a list of ecologists, in alphabetical order by surname. A D* [ smithch/chronob/ADAM1873.htm Charles Christopher Adams] (USA) *Warder Clyde Allee (USA) * [ smithch/chronob/ANDR1907.htm Herbert Groves… … Wikipedia
polar ecosystem — Introduction complex of living organisms in polar regions such as polar barrens and tundra. Polar barrens and tundra are found at high latitudes on land surfaces not covered by perpetual ice and snow. These areas lying beyond the tree line … Universalium