Timeline of pensions in the United Kingdom
- Timeline of pensions in the United Kingdom
* Old Age Pensions Act passed providing means tested benefits to people over 70 [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/11/16/npens16.xml News - Telegraph ] ]
* 6 April - State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme starts
* 6 April - Guaranteed Minimum Pensions start
* Pensions Act 1995
* 6 April - Minimum funding requirement starts
* 5 April - End of State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme scheme
* 6 April - Start of State second pension
* Pensions Act 2004
* 6 April - Pension Protection Fund starts
* 6 April - The Pensions Regulator starts
* 6 April - Pension simplification
* 6 April - State Pension age starts to increase from 60 to 65 for women.[cite web | url = http://www.thepensionservice.gov.uk/pdf/np46/np46apr05.pdf | title=a guide to State Pensions| | authorlink = The Pensions Service |date=2007-05-08] ]
* 6 April - State Pension age equalised at 65 for men and women.
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