

"Unshackled!" is a radio drama series produced by Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, Illinois that first aired in 1950. It is the longest-running radio drama in history, and one of very few still in production in the United States. The show is aired over 6,500 times around the world each week on over 1,550 radio outlets and is translated and re-dramatized into seven languages on six continents. As of March 2008, over 3,000 episodes have been produced. Each is 30 minutes in length. Listening to an "Unshackled" broadcast is like going back in time to the 1940s and 50's where a person can use the "theater of the mind"-imagining and picturing the events of the show in their own mind.

Each episode dramatizes the testimony of someone who converted to Christianity, sometimes involving a visit to Pacific Garden Mission or through hearing "Unshackled!" on the radio. The show makes extensive use of electronic organ for theme music and segues between scenes.

Beginning in the 1950s, comic book versions of "Unshackled!" stories have also been produced, and they, along with the radio shows themselves, are said to be highly influential on the works of Jack Chick.Fact|date=April 2007

Radio episodes include the life stories of baseball great turned evangelist, Billy Sunday, who is a Pacific Garden Mission convert, and international banker turned homeless vagabond overnight, Dominic Mance. The cast and crew are comprised of popular personalities from the Golden Age of Radio, such as Bob O'Donnell, Jack Bivens and Russ Reed.

External links

* [http://www.unshackled.org/ "Unshackled!"]
* [http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/unshackled/ Archive of "Unshackled!" shows]
* [http://onelovestudios.com/one_love_studios_021.htm "The Dominic Mance Story"]

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