- Methylene diphosphonate
IUPAC_name = phosphonomethylphosphonic acid
CAS_number = 1984-15-2
ATC_prefix =
ATC_suffix =
PubChem = 16124
DrugBank =
molecular_weight = 176.002 g/mol
bioavailability =
protein_bound =
metabolism =
elimination_half-life =
excretion =
pregnancy_AU =
pregnancy_US =
legal_AU =
legal_CA =
legal_UK =
legal_US =
legal_status =
routes_of_administration =Methylene diphosphonate (MDP or medronic acid) is a
pharmaceutical product used especially innuclear medicine , linked to 99mTc, as a marker to avoid the Single Photon Emission Scintigraphy, orSPECT , to localize carcinogentic bone metastasis as well as other diseases that can alter the natural turn-over inbone .
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