Husayn of Zaragoza

Husayn of Zaragoza

Husayn of Zaragoza (in the Arabic sources "Al Hossain ibn Yahia al Ansari ibn Saad al Obadi"), "Wali" (governor) of Zaragoza, which is now the Spanish province of Aragón, from 774 to 781.

Events during the rule of Husayn

*In 774 Husayn conspired with the Yemenite aristocracy against the emir, proclaiming the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate in Hispania. In response, the emir sent general Abd al-Melek bin Umar, who obtained the allegiance of Abu Taur of Huesca and the Wali of Tudela, but who was rejected in Zaragoza.

*In 777, the Wali of Barcelona, Sulayman al-Arabi ("Suleiman bin Ioctan al-Quelbi" in the Arabic sources) offered Charlemagne his own allegiance and the allegiance of Husayn in Paderborn. But when in 778 Charlemagne arrived in Zaragoza, Husayn denied any promise. As Charlemagne could not take the city, he withdrew after a month. In 780 Husayn had Sulayman al-Arabi killed after he returned to Zaragoza.

*In 781 the Emir Abd ar-Rahman I sent general Tsalaba ben Obaid to re-take Zaragoza for the Caliphate. After a long siege, Husayn agreed a truce. His son, Said bin Husayn, was given to the Emir as a hostage.According to the historian al-Nuwayri Husayn was killed soon after his surrender.

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