List of extinct and endangered species of Italy

List of extinct and endangered species of Italy

It's a list of extinct and endangered species of Italy. (*=Only for Italy/Italian seas)


*CR=Critically Endangered
*NT=Near Threatened
*LC=Least Concern
*DD=Data Deficent
*NA/NE=Not Evaluated


#Alpine Field Mouse "Apodemus alpicola": DD
#Fin Whale "Balaenoptera physalus": EN
#Barbastelle "Barbastella barbastellus": VU
#Gray Wolf* "Canis lupus": VU
#Brown Bear* "Ursus arctos": VU
#Wild Goat* "Capra aegagrus": VU
#Red Deer* "Cervus elaphus": EN
#Snow Vole "Chionomys nivalis":NT
#Sardinian Pika "Prolagus sardus": EX
#Mouflon* "Ovis orientalis": CR
#Eurasian Lynx* "Lynx lynx": EX


#White Stork* "Ciconia ciconia": CR
#Black Stork* "Ciconia nigra": CR
#Slender-billed Curlew "Numenius tenuirostris": CR
#Balearic Shearwater "Puffinus mauretanicus": EN
#Sociable Lapwing "Vanellus gregarius": CR
#Great Bustard "Otis tarda": VU

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