

Cato may refer to:


* Cato's Letters, a series of libertarian essays written in the 1720s
* "Distichs of Cato" or simply "Cato", a medieval Latin-language schoolbook & moral guide
* "Cato", 18th century drama by Joseph Addison, based on the life of Cato the Younger
* Cato Neimoidia, a fictional planet in the Star Wars canon


* Cato Institute, American libertarian think tank
*The Cato Corporation (nyse|CTR), owners of the [ CATO] women's clothing stores


* Romans, in the family Porcii
** Cato the Elder or "the Censor" (Marcus Porcius Cato 234BC149BC), Roman statesman
*** Marcus Porcius Cato Licinianus, son of Cato the Elder by his first wife Licinia, jurist
**** Marcus Porcius Cato, son of Cato Licinianus, consul 118 BC, died in Africa in the same year
**** Gaius Porcius Cato, son of Cato Licinianus, consul 114 BC
*** Marcus Porcius Cato Salonianus, son of Cato the Elder by his second wife Salonia, (born 154 BC, when his father had completed his eightieth year)
**** Marcus Porcius Cato, son of Cato Salonianus and father of Cato the Younger
***** "Cato the Younger" "Cato of Utica" or "Cato Minor" (Marcus Porcius Catō Uticēnsis 95BC46BC), politician and statesman in the late Roman Republic, remembered for his lengthy conflict with Gaius Julius Caesar, and moral integrity
****** Marcus Porcius Cato (II), son of Cato the Younger, fell at the Battle of Philippi, 42 BC
**** Lucius Porcius Cato, son of Cato Salonianus, consul 89 BC, killed during the Social War (9188 BC)
* Suzy Cato (born 1968), New Zealand entertainer
* Kelvin Cato (born 1974), American basketball player
* John Cyril Cato (born 1889, died 1971), Australian photographer, portraitist and author, renowned historian of Australian photography, known also as Jack Cato
* Diomedes Cato (born 1560, died 1618) was a Polish composer
* Cato the anti-Federalist, pseudonym for an American author of anti-Federalist articles in the late 1780s, probably the politician George Clinton (vice president)
* Cato, the pseudonym for the authors of the 1940s polemic "Guilty Men"; Michael Foot, Frank Owen, Peter Howard
* Cato Fong, Inspector Clouseau's manservant in the Pink Panther movies


* Cato Township, Michigan
* Cato, Wisconsin


* CATO, an acronym used in rocketry, for Catastrophe At Take Off -- the catastrophic failure of a rocket engine.
* CATO, an acronym for Catapult Assisted take off
* Corazón Artificial Total Ortotópico (Spanish for Orthotopic Total Artificial Heart) invented by Dr. Juan Giambruno
* Cato, a South Devon Railway Eagle class 4-4-0ST steam locomotive
* Cato (ship) was an English ship sunk on the Great Barrier Reef in 1803.

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