

Infobox German Location
Name = Bodenmais
Art = Stadt
image_photo =
imagesize =
image_caption =
Wappen = Wappen von Bodenmais.pnglat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 4
lon_deg = 13 |lon_min = 6
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bavaria
Regierungsbezirk = Niederbayern
Landkreis = Regen
Höhe = 689
Fläche = 45.28
Einwohner = 3336
Stand = 2006-09-30
PLZ = 94249
Vorwahl = 09924
Kfz = REG
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 2 76 117
Straße = Markt Bodenmais
Bahnhofstr. 56
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Michael Adam
Partei = SPD

Bodenmais is a town in the district of Regen in Bavaria in Germany.

Its tourist attractions include in winter a ski-ing hill (about 1050m above sea level), doubling in summer as a 600m long summer Bob-sleigh track. The ski lift also brings you to the mining museum, reminding of ages of ferro-oxide mining and Vitriol production. Some shafts are still accessible. The top of the hill is marked by a great cross.Downtown is known for its glass shops.

New 23 yr old Mayor beats longstanding mayor.Reason,tourist stays had dropped by 25%.A change needed to be made.So that's the storynew young mayor does well after beating CSU veteran. But, in fact, there's one aspect which makes this story a bit more interesting. Michael Adam is not just a 23-year-old social democrat. He's also a protestant in an area in which the catholic church represents over 90% of the people and protestants are an exotic minority. And he's gay, in an area in which the teachings of the church and the innate conservatism of the rural population you'd think would mean that he wouldn't have a chance.Good luck mate from Australia!

External links

[ Bodenmais Hotel]

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