Arab Orthodox Benevolent Society

Arab Orthodox Benevolent Society

The Arab Orthodox Benevolent Society of Beit Jala, Palestine. It is the largest and oldest Orthodox Society in Palestine. It is an Arab Orthodox benevolence society established in 1907 to support the poor and incapacitated people of Beit Jala.
It offers:

* Scholarships to high school and university students
* Material and financial help to prisoners' families, invalids, and the elderly
* Help to people with their medical costs
* Sponsorship of scout troupes for boys and girls
* Short term courses in English, computer skills, and needlecraft

Beit Jala is near to two other Christian towns, Bethlehem and Beit Sahour. Most of the population of Beit Jala (about 12,000) belong to the Orthodox Church.

ee also

* Arab Orthodox
* Arab Orthodox Society



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