J Smooth

J Smooth

Jorhel Aburto better known as J Smooth is a bilingual Hip Hop and Reggaeton singer of Nicaraguan ethnicity. [ [http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/2007/01/26/variedades/39695 El Nuevo Diario - Managua, Nicaragua - J Smooth con todo el ritmo del reggaeton ] ]

Early life

J Smooth (Jorh-el) was born in Los Angeles, CA and grew up in South Central LA. He is from Nicaragua. In his younger years he was in the church choir and also performance choir but singing wasn't where his heart was. He started getting into rap in his early years with influences like the Sugarhill Gang and continued later on with Snoop Dogg. During his senior year of high school, he was freestyling on blacktops during lunch breaks but he had yet to find his own style. The name J Smooth came from many influences. One influence was from the the word that best discribes his flow, what else but "Smooth".

In th Army J Smooth's buddies introduced him to other forms of rap by artists such as LL Cool J, Nore, Ludacris, Daddy Yankee, Twista, Tego Calderon, the Notorious BIG and Jay-Z. This not only helped him shape his rapping skills but also improve them.


The 2007-2008 Nicaraguan Artist Of The Year.

J Smooth has performed at Lowrider car shows, Import car shows, and Local Hollywood & Long Beach clubs. He has also opened up for Don Omar, Tego Calderon, Ivy Queen, Trebol Clan, and Pit Bull and performed at Festivals such as the Nicaraguan Fest, Colombian Fest, Puerto Rican Fest and Cuban Fest, as well as Opening up for 2004 "Rock the Mic" and "Summer Jam" Concerts

After completing his tour of duty, J returned back home to 'Cali': leaner, meaner and even stronger in his rap game. In May 2006, J Smooth made an appearance on MTV's 'Yo Momma'. When it came time to battle J in a match of jokes, no one was able to take him down. To this day he is still recognized from his appearances on the show. Also in July 2006, J became the host to the show 'Activado' on Gentevision.

While recording his 1st Hip Hop album, J was introduced to a new genre of music called "Reggaeton". which he approached by mixing his English raps over Reggaeton tracks which became known as his "bilingual flow", something that was fresh and cutting edge to both genres. He recorded several reggaeton tracks that were too much for his hip hop album, so J decided to release both Hip Hop tracks and Reggaeton tracks on a double disc LP titled "Done Properly"

"Done Properly" was a long process that was released in July of 2007. With the release of the album, J was able to reach out to both English and non-English speaking fans with his blend of hip hop and reggaeton songs. To promote the release of his album, J had countless performances and appearances all over the continental US, and Latin America.

In the summer of 2007, J continued to add to his growing list of credentials by starting "La Fundacion La Esperanza" (The Foundation of Hope). This Non-Profit organization was started to raise awareness and expose the need of clothing, food and school materials for under privileged schools primarily in the poor communities of Nicaragua. La fundacion receives donations from various Latino communities as well as proceeds from J Smooth performances and album sales.

J Smooth has performed at countless fundraising events such as 'Padres Contra El Cancer', 'Los Ni o's Con Cancer', 'Women with Breast Cancer', battered women shelters; AIDS benefit concerts and many others to raise funds and awareness in the Latino community of ongoing issues affecting us.

In 2007, J Smooth was named "Artist of the Year" by http://www.reggaetonnica.com/ voters, for his musical contributions to the hip-hop and reggaeton genre and also for his many contributions to the Latino community.

J Smooth continues to dominate the hip-hop and reggaeton underground movement in Los Angeles. Whether he is rapping fast or slow, English or Spanish, east or west coast, rap, hip-hop or reggaeton, J Smooth is having fun the entire time, which is what makes his music stand apart from others. He is not just a good rapper or reggaeton artist but a skilled performer. Performing alongside his Dy/Nasty Boys, Smooth Chicks and his 2 DJ's FS and Reflections; J Smooth always gives his audience exactly what they deserve: great music, hot dance moves and catchy lyrics which always make for an unforgettable show.

J Smooth is not just a nice person with a good heart but a great artist both on and off stage. He is always ready to sign autographs, take pictures and answer questions with his fans which make J Smooth one of the most down to earth kind of artists around. He has hot music and is no doubt headed to hip-hop and reggaeton greatness.

BY: Treble-Maker January, 2008 [ [http://www.latinlingoclothing.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=59 Featured Artist ] ]

J Smooths live performances include his female "Smooth Chicks" and "Dy/Nasty boys" dancers. [ [http://quepasabulletin.com/news.php?nid=1981&pag=0 Que Pasa Bulletin - Noticias para Hispanos en Los Angeles, California y EU ] ] J Smooth has also appeared on MTV's show "Yo Momma" which is produced and hosted by Wilmer Valderama.

ee also

*Music of Nicaragua


External links

* [http://jsmoothonline.com/ J Smooth] 's Official Web Page
* [http://myspace.com/570records J Smooth] 's Official Myspace
* [http://youtube.com/jsmoothvideos]

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