
For the isopod genus, see Artystone (isopod).

Artystone (Greek Ἀρτυστώνη Artystōnē; Elamite Ir-taš-du-na, Ir-da--du-na; from Old Persian *Artastūnā, "pillar of Arta, the deified true"[1]) was a Persian princess, daughter of king Cyrus the Great, and sister or half-sister of Atossa and Cambyses II.[2] Along with Atossa and her niece Parmys, Artystone married king Darius I. It is argued that by marrying the female offspring of Cyrus, the founder of the empire, the new king aimed to prevent his rule from being contested[3].

Artystone and Darius had at least two sons, Arsames and Gobryas, and a daughter, Artazostre. According to the Greek historian Herodotus Artystone was Darius' favourite wife. She is also mentioned in the Persepolis Fortification Tablets, an administrative archive from Persepolis.

Primary sources


  1. ^ Smith 1849, p 368; Schmitt 1987, p. 665.
  2. ^ Schmitt 1987.
  3. ^ Brosius 1998, pp. 60, 62.


  • Brosius, M. (1998): Woman in Ancient Persia.
  • "Artystone", in W. Smith (ed.), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology.
  • Lendering, J (2007 [1999]): "Artystone", in
  • Schmitt, R (1987): "Artystone", in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. II.

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