

Artazostre (or Artozostre) (Old Persian *"Arta-zausri") was a Persian princess, daughter of king Darius I (521 BC-485 BC) by Artystone, daughter of Cyrus the Great.

According to the Greek historian Herodotus (VI, 43) Artazostre was given in marriage to Mardonius, young son of the noble Gobryas, not much before he took the command of the Persian army in Thrace and Macedon (c. 493/492 BC).

Artazostre seems not to be mentioned by name in the Persepolis Fortification Tablets (administrative documents found at Persepolis), but there are references (in tablets dated on the year 498 BC) to a "wife of Mardonius, daughter of the king", who received rations for a trip she made with Gobryas and a woman called "Radušnamuya" or "Ardušnamuya", perhaps Gobryas' wife [Lewis, p. 354; Brosius, pp. 25, 71, 92 ] . However, another interpretation of the text suggests that "Ardušnamuya" was actually the anonymous "wife of Mardonius" [See Lendering.]

Mardonius had a son, probably by Artazostre, named Artontes.



*Brosius, M: "Women in Ancient Persia, 559-331 BC", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998.
*Kellens, J: [ "Artazostra"] , in Encyclopaedia Iranica
*Lendering, J: " [ Mardonius] ", in
*Lewis, D: "Persians in Herodotus", in "Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern History", pp. 345-362, Cambridge University Press, 1997. []
* [ Persepolis Fortification Archive Project]

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