- Patricia Tallman
Infobox actor
caption = Tallman attendingComic Con inSan Diego, California , 2007
birthdate =4 September 1957
birthplace =Patricia J. Tallman (born
4 September 1957 ) is an Americanactress and stunt performer, sometimes credited as Pat Tallman.Tallman is the daughter of Jerry Tallman, a radio entertainer. [ [http://www.filmreference.com/film/2/Patricia-Tallman.html Patricia Tallman Biography (1957-) ] ] She received a bachelor of fine arts degree from
Carnegie Mellon University 's highly regarded Theater Arts Program.In television, Tallman worked on the soap opera, "
Generations ". Later, she had guest-starring roles on "Tales from the Dark Side ", and the science fiction shows, ', ', "", and "Babylon 5 " (as "Lyta Alexander )". With fellow Carnegie Mellon alumniGeorge A. Romero , Tallman collaborated on several films, including "Knightriders " (starringEd Harris ), "Monkey Shines", and "Creepshow 2 " (in which Tallman performed stunts).In 1990, Tallman starred as Barbara in the Savini-directed remake of the 1968 classic, "
Night of the Living Dead ". She also played the Possessed Witch under heavy make-up in the cult classic "Army of Darkness ". Her image was used on the show "Angel" to represent Julia Cooper, the twin sister ofvampire hunter Justine Cooper.Tallman's recent acting credits include the psychological horror short, "
Jennifer Is Dead ", the black comedy "For Pete's Wake ", and guest spots on "Without a Trace ". Tallman will appear in the horror film "Dead Air", and in the new film "InAlienable" Tallman plays Dr Klein a crony of the evil scientist.References
External links
* [http://www.thegalacticgateway.com/pt/ Official Website]
*imdb name|id=0848191|name=Patricia Tallman
* [http://www.sliceofscifi.com/2005/07/28/slice-of-sci-fi-017 Interview with Patricia Tallman] on Slice of SciFi
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