L. T. F. Gamut

L. T. F. Gamut

L. T. F. Gamut was a collective pseudonym for the Dutch logicians Johan van Benthem, Jeroen Groenendijk, Dick de Jongh, Martin Stokhof and Henk Verkuyl. "Logic, Language and Meaning" is one of the most authoritative and widely used graduate textbook in formal semantics courses.


*"Logica, taal en betekenis I: inleiding in de logica", Het Spectrum, 1982. In Dutch.
*"Logica, taal en betekenis II: intensionele logica en logische grammatica", Het Spectrum, 1982. In Dutch.
*"Logic, Language and Meaning, Volume I: Introduction to Logic", University of Chicago Press, 1991. Translation and revision of "Logica, taal en betekenis I".
*"Logic, Language and Meaning, Volume II: Intensional Logic and Logical Grammar", University of Chicago Press, 1991. Translation and revision of "Logica, taal en betekenis II".

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  • Gamut (Begriffsklärung) — Gamut steht für: Gamut, den kompletten Umfang an möglichen Farben die ein Drucker oder ein Bildschirm wiedergeben kann Gamut mapping, die Fähigkeit der Farbwiedergabe von Geräten, siehe Farbmanagement den kompletten Tonumfang in Mittelalterlicher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gamut — In music, gamut properly means ‘the note G at the pitch now indicated by the lowest line of the bass staff’. (The word is formed from medieval Latin gamma (= the note G) + ut, the first of six arbitrary names forming the hexachord (ut, re, mi, fa …   Modern English usage

  • gamut — ► NOUN 1) the complete range or scope of something. 2) Music a complete scale of musical notes; the compass or range of a voice or instrument. 3) historical a scale consisting of seven overlapping hexachords, containing all the recognized notes… …   English terms dictionary

  • gamut — 1520s, originally, lowest note in the medieval musical scale, in the system of notation devised by Guido d Arezzo, contraction of M.L. gamma ut, from gamma, the Greek letter, indicating a note below A, + ut (later do), the low note on the six… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gamut — gàmut m DEFINICIJA sav raspon čega (boja, tonova i sl.) [gamut dramatičnih osjećaja od tuge do veselja] ETIMOLOGIJA srlat. gamma ut ≃ gamma: prvi ili najniži ton na srednjovjekovnoj glazbenoj ljestvici + ut: do …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • gamut — [gam′ət] n. [ML gamma ut < gamma, the gamut, name used by GUIDO D AREZZO for the lowest note of his scale (< Gr gamma, GAMMA) + ut < L ut, that, used as a musical note, taken from a medieval song whose phrases began on successive… …   English World dictionary

  • Gamut — Gam ut, n. [F. gamme + ut the name of a musical note. F. gamme is fr. the name of the Greek letter ?, which was used by Guido d Arezzo to represent the first note of his model scale. See {Gamma}, and {Ut}.] (Mus.) The scale. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gamut — I noun breadth, circuit, compass, complete sequence, complete series, extent, length, limit, progression, range, reach, scope, span, stretch, sweep, vastness, whole range, width II index range Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Gamut —   [dt. »Tonleiter«, »(Farb )Skala«], im Bereich der Computergrafik derjenige Teil aller Farbtöne, den ein Ausgabegerät (Bildschirm, Drucker) darstellen kann …   Universal-Lexikon

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