Archaic (comics)

Archaic (comics)

title = Archaic

caption= Cover art for "Archaic: Rule of the Deviant" TPB vol. 1
Art by Brett C. Marting.
schedule = Bi-Monthly
publisher= Fenickx Productions LLC
date = "July 2005-"
issues =
main_char_team =
writers = James Abrams (#1-Present)
Brett Marting ("Archaic TPB 2: Winter Children")
artists =Brett Marting (#1-9,13-15)
James Abrams ("Archaic TPB 2 - Winter Children: Slight ofHand")
Weshoyot Alvitre (#10-12, "Archaic TPB 2 - Winter Children: Dirt")
Manuel Trujillo ("Archaic TPB 2 - Winter Children: Hide and Seek")
pencillers =
inkers =
colorists = Kris Johnson ("Archaic TPB 2 - Winter Children: Dirt")
creative_team_month =
creative_team_year =
creators = James S. Abrams
Brett C. Marting
subcat=American comics

"Archaic" is an American comic book series created by writer James Abrams and artist Brett Marting.cite web | last = Flowers | first = Dexter K. | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Archaic - Anything But Old Hat | work = | publisher = Broken Frontier | date = 2006-06-29 | url = | format = | doi = | accessdate = 2008-06-29] The series is published through Fenickx Productions LLC and saw its debut at the 2005 Comic-Con International in San Diego.cite journal | last = Nguyen | first = Catherine | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = 'Archaic': Death, Dames and Daggers | journal = New University | volume = 39 | issue = 24 | pages = | publisher = | location = | date = 2006-04-17 | url = | doi = | id = | accessdate = 2008-06-29] The comic itself is an epic fantasy adventure containing many references (both in mythology and language) to Slovakian lore. Many of the characters names as well as certain phrases are taken from Slavic languages as well.Since its creation Archaic has gained a rather large amount of attention in the American comics community. Despite being independently published the series sees many online reviews and has even earned several award nominations such as Golden Chazzie nominations for "Best Ongoing Series" and "Best Artist" for 2006. [ [ Golden Chazzie Nominees] ] "Wizard Comics Magazine" rated it number 4 in its 2007 top 40 indie comics. ["Wizard Magazine "(issue 186, Feb. 28 2007), page 124]

Publication history

Premiering at Comic-Con International 2005, Archaic immediately released with 5 issues in an early small press production run that saw different covers from the later Diamond releases. Archaic began distribution through Diamond in January 2006. It originally released 6 issues in a bi-monthly format that have since been collected in 2 separate Trade paperbacks, "Rule of the Deviant" and "Winter Children". After a several month hiatus however, the series has continued forward starting in July 2006. Now Archaic has begun a monthly release schedule from issue 7 onward.


"Archaic" is an ongoing fictional story dealing with a fantasy realm and several of its both heroic and villainous inhabitants. The Antagonist, Král Groznyj rules over a vast region of land, fearing no one but those foretold in an ancient prophecy to be his own downfall. The prophecy claims that children of his own nephews would one day rise up and destroy him. From there the story covers several generations of people living in Tzenebraum, otherwise known as the "The Thrice-Nine Lands".

Rule of the Deviant (issues #1-3)

The story begins with the šarkan general, Petr Drakanov besieged in his family's castle. Nestled safely behind the walls of the Drakánc Hrad, Petr sees his time coming to an end. Petr's uncle, the šarkan king Král Groznyj has sent forces to capture and kill him and his family. Well Petr holds out for sometime, eventually the betrayl of his own soldiers draws him into battle. A young and ambitious knight by the name of Valen makes a deal with Groznyj. The aid of Valens allows Groznyj to convince Sir Marcus, Petr's head knight, that Petr is a murderer. Shocked and disgusted by this false information, Sir Marcus leads an attack on Petr's castle. Petr is slain on the bridge of his fortress, his last words asking the very knight who killed him to protect his new born son. When King Groznyj eventually arrives for Petr family, Sir Marcus is the one to drag Petr's wife, Cassandra, and son, Košice, across the bridge of Drakánc Hrad. However, Sir Marcus soon realizes his mistake and is killed by Valen. Valen is able to take Cassandra to Groznyj, but Košice is spirited away by the magic of the last loyal knights under Petr's command.Meanwhile, Groznyj's armies lay waste to the cities of Faeries in a mass genocide. The Lunatai, a werewolf like species of faerie, lead the attacks on their biological cousins. During these attacks, the Lunatai are made an offer, all the northern lands in trade for hunting down two children, the descendents of the Drakanovy. The Teardrop Knights, also looking for the descendents of the Drakanovy, dispatch several groups to track down Košice and return him to safety. An older knight by the name of Velshin is the one to finally retrieve Košice, however he loses the rest of his team. Velshin then chooses to take the Drakanov child north, into hiding, until aid from the Order of Teardrop can be sent. Through all of this we also find out that Mikal Drakanov, Petr's brother, is currently imprisoned in the dungeons of Král Groznyj.

Winter Children (issues #4-6)

Years have passed since the death of Petr Drakanov and his son, Košice, now hides in the north under the watchful eye of Velshin. Velshin has told the now teenaged boy very little of his past and renamed him Kalias to hide his identity. However, with years having passed and Košice have disappeared without a trace, Groznyj fears for his future. In response Groznyj sends one of his best men, Genosik the Kinslayer, to track down and kill Košice. Genosik, along with his group of assassins, track down Košice to the village široke. At the same time, Grimm, an ex-teardrop knight under the command of Sir Marcus, leads a group of mercenaries to široke. Grimm was mortally wounded on the bridge of Drakánc Hrad the day Košice disappeared. He had since vowed to undo his misdeeds against his lord by finding and protecting the young Košice.All parties arrive at a bar in široke within minutes of each other, leading to a large confrontation. The end result leaves many dead, Košice blinded and confused, and Genosik fleeing back to Groznyj. Lying dead in the snow, the aged knight, Velshin tells Grimm to bring Košice to Teardrop. During this time we are also introduced to Solare, an elf faerie, and his group of Lunatai hunting friends. Solare and his men are on a quest of vengeance to kill all the Lunatai for their horrid acts on faerie kind.Košice, Grimm, and the only survivor of Grimm's mercenary group eventually reach the floating city of teardrop. As they question how to gain access to the city, the workings of war stir in Groznyj's kingdom. Groznyj has asked the Lord Sialenec ze Tak Tak to lead an army against the knights of Teardrop. As Tak Tak raises his men, a female assassin he is quite fond of returns to his life. The assassin, Allysyn, is tasked with capture the other Drakonov child, Mikal's daughter, Erzebet

The Hollow (issues #7-9)

The Hollow tells the tale of Solare's group of warriors as well as that of Allysyn and her lover, Lane. Lane, an ex-teardrop knight, is introduced fighting a group of sickmen, zombie like undead creatures. We come to realize that Lane and Allysyn's mission is to track down Erzebet Drakanov, daughter of Mikal Drakanov. Erzebet was long ago kidnapped and held captive by pack of lunatai. As fate would have it, Solare comes across the same pack of lunatai that hold the Drakanov girl. Fearing Erzebet is soon to be lunatai food, one of Solare's group dashes into combat to save the girl. Solare reluctantly follows, slaughtering many lunatai. Unfortunately Lane soon enters the fray, choosing to also kill Solare and his ally, Jun. Lane leaves Solare for dead, having found Erzebet. Later that evening Jeeves, another victim of Lane's sword and butler to Erzebet Drakanov, comes across the badly damaged Solare. Solare rises from his seemingly dead state, healing with the speed expected of a faerie. Solare vows revenge on Lane for killing Jun. With the aid of Jeeves, Solare begins a hunt for Lane and Allysyn. During this journey, we learn of the language of the spiders and that Erzebet and Jeeves are both familiar with it. Erzebet leaves a trail of information through spider webs across the country side, allowing Jeeves to track her. Eventually the two warriors have their final clash outside a Brillianti church. Solare manages to kill both Allysyn and Lane, once more with the aid of Jeeves. Solare takes leave to continue his quest well Jeeves once more returns to the service of Miss Erzebet. After Solare has left, Erzebet uses a dark and hidden power of hers, reviving Allysyn and Lane as some form of undead servants.In Groznyj's dungeon we find the king talking with his imprisoned nephew, Mikal. There he tells Mikal of Erzebet's secret power, a power which Mikal cannot believe.As this story arc progresses, we are also introduced to The Brillianti's task force, The Chorus. The Chorus is to help Lord Tak Tak as an additional force in the war against the knights of Teardrop.

The Storm (issues #10-12)

After a few calm months living in teardrop, the council has gathered to discuss the fate of young Košice. At the same time, Lord Tak Tak's forces invade the floating city of teardrop, allied with The Chorus.


Main characters

Král Groznyj:The great king of the šarkan, Groznyj is a strong and ambitious leader with great magical power. However, his ambitions have lead him to proclaim what could be considered insane policies as well as expand far beyond his former territories. When his young nephew and general, Petr Drakanov dared to speak out Groznyj had him permanently silenced. Now Groznyj intends to destroy the entire Drakanov bloodline out of fear from a prophecy that foretells his fall at the hands of a Dakanov child.

Petr Drakanov:Nephew of Král Groznyj and once general to his armies. Petr spoke out against Groznyj's insane policies when no one else would. King Groznyj thus ordered him silenced as a traitor to the crown. Petr died at the hands of his own mislead protectors just outside of his person fortress, the Drakánc Hrad. His final wishes were shared with his killer and once friend, Sir Marcus la Torvo, that his wife and son were to be kept safe in the Drakánc Hrad. There, reborn as Malučki (a gremlin like species) made statue, Petr could defend his family from any who wished to harm them.

Košice Drakanov/Kalias:Son of Petr and Cassandra Drakanov, it is prophesized that he and his cousin will bring the downfall of King Groznyj. Thus the boy has been hunted since his fathers death. Thanks to ancient magics, Košice was teleported away from his home shortly after his mother fell into Groznyj's grasp. Košice passed through several caretakers before finally falling under the protection Velshin, a knight of Teardrop. Velshin raised Košice under the assumed name Kalias and told him little of his past or family history. By the time Kalias realised just how special he was, he had killed several men and lost his own eyes in a fit or rage filled magic. Kalias was then take under the protection of Grimm, being whisked away to Teardrop where he could be safe. However the safety of the floating city would not last long.

Mikal Drakanov:Petr's older brother and nephew of Král Groznyj. Mikal was captured by Groznyj and held prisoner. Despite many offers from assorted Nicitel that would grant him his freedom and vast power, Mikal stands strong, refusing to sell his soul.

Erzebet Drakanov:Also known as Erzebeta, Erzebet is the daughter of Mikal Drakanov and one of the young Drakanovy children prophesized to bring the downfall of King Groznyj. Erzebet is a young a powerful girl, able to speak the language of spiders as well as raise the dead. Her faithful servant, Jeeves, is constantly at her side, not even allowing death sepperate them.

Justinian Corvo/Grim:Once a Knight of the Teardrop Order, Justinian had served under Sir Marcus la Torvo as a personal guard of Petr Drakonov. Upon Petr's death and the capture of Cassandra and Košice, Justinian vowed to save the lost Drakonovs or find their revenge. Justinian made a pact with an unknown demon, giving him great power. Taking up the name Grimm and forming a group of mercenaries, he began the hunt for Košice. After years of searching, Grimm would eventually find the boy. Knowing nothing else to do, Grimm takes Košice to the Teardrop Knights for safety.

Lord Sialenec ze Tak Tak:A young general serving under Král Groznyj. Tak Tak leads an army of vujaki to war against the knights of Teardrop.

Soulare:Soulare is an Elf (one of the four races of faerie) known for hunting the Lunatai. He does this with his golden gecuris and more notably, a golden gun that fires Araelle (one of the other four races of faerie, driven mad by the lunatai).

Lane:An ex-teardrop knight, Lane is what is known as one of the fallen. Coupled with his love, Allysyn, Lane was tasked with tracking down and capture the Drakonovy girl, Erzebet. However, this task would become quite difficult as Lane runs into the Elf Faerie, Solare. Despite Lanes amazing skills in both sword and sorcery, Lane is killed by the elf, only to later see life as a resurrected servant of Erzebet.

Allysyn:A female assassin and servant of Lord Tak Tak, Allysyn is tasked to find the Drakanovy girl, Erzebet. She is teamed with her love, Lane, an ex-teardrop knight. Unfortunately she meets her end early in life, killed by Solare with a well placed Araelle bullet. Allysyn is later resurrected by Erzebet Drakanov.

Minor characters

Baba Tanzovaná:Grandmother of Král Groznyj and Great Grandmother to the Drakanov brothers. Baba Tanzovaná is a wise and wicked old šarkan.

Námrazy:The first messenger sent to capture or kill Petr Drakanov. He was killed by Katia Drakonov, outside of Drakánc Hrad. Námrazy however might still return, for as Groznyj said of him, "You cannot kill that which does not live". ["Archaic "#1, July 2005]

Katia & Kesmy Drakonov:Sisters of General Petr, the twins were said to be attached at the hip, always together with one another. Even in death this held true as both girls were murdered in a plot by the evil Kral Groznyj. However, thanks to ancient magics, the two girls were reborn as statues, carved by Malučki (a gremlin like species). They now guard their old home, the Drakánc Hrad, and all those who inhabit it from any that would seek harm to their bloodline.

Genosik:Genosik, known as the Kinslayer, is an assassin of Kral Groznyj. He once led the group of assassins known as Pariz Svorka in a failed mission to capture Košice Drakanov.

Jain, Kain, Zyne, Krys, Cid, & Scratch:Powerful Nicitel lords trying too regain control of the sarkans.

Bade:Chief of the Gray Lunataí.

Sir Marcus la Torvo:Once a great Knight of the Teardrop Order, Sir Marcus served under Petr Drakanov as a personal guard. However, when rumours arose that Petr might be a traitor to the crown, Marcus led troops upon his fortress. As Marcus killed Petr and brought his wife, cassandra, to the evil king Groznyj he realized his mistake only too late. Marcus died on the bridge of the Drakánc Hrad, trying to defend Cassandra and Košice Drakanov.

Jun Sepido:A black human female, Jun is another Lunatai hunter that aid's Soulare. Jun's whole family was killed by the Lunatai, which led to her choice in seeking their extinction. She is not necessarily a good fighter, owing much of her skill to luck, but what she lacks in experience, she makes up for in ferocity. Her weapon is a long strand of silver wire.

Piccolo Morte:Piccolo is one of that last surviving Araelle (one of the four races of faerie) and the only to escape madness. He follows Soulare in his hunt to eradicate the Lunatai, killing mad Araelles before they can harm innocents.

pecies of Archaic

There are four major sentient species in the land of Tzenebraum; they are nicitel, šarkan, man and faerie.

Nicitel:The old ruling class of Tzenebraum, the nicitel are now but a small hand full of surviving djinn like creatures. Their appearances vary, however their magic is incomparable to that of any other species or individual known of in Tzenebraum.

Šarkan:The ruling species of Tzenebraum, šarkan are known for their wide range of appearances, much like the nicitel. They are all bipedal and often have extremely powerful magical capabilities.

Human :One of the most common species of Tzenebraum, the human is bipedal primate that is known by its simplistic design. Humans are the least unique in their natural design when compared to the other species of Tzenebraum. However, the human species also forms many of the known organizations in Tzenebraum, including the Knights of Teardrop.

Faerie:The species of faerie actually classifies 4 mystical sub-species. They are the araelle, the teraelle, the soularie elves, and the lunataí wolves.

Kingdom of Faerie

Araelle :The Araelle were once a great species of petite little bipedal creatures known for their wings and glowing essence. However, in an attempted genocide of the Faerie kingdom, Král Groznyj release some form of unknown weapon upon the Araelle, causing them to be driven mad. It is unknown how many Araelle were able to escape the effects of this madness, though one Araelle by the name of Piccolo Morte has been recorded. Currently the Araelle are also a high selling item on the black market for their magical properties, light, and warmth.

Teraelle :The Teraelle are a nearly extinct species of faerie. Little is known about them thus far.

Soularie Elves : A very strong species of faerie, the Soularie Elves were nearly wiped out in the faerie genocides committed under Král Groznyj. The genocide of the Elves however, were perpetrated by the Lunatai Wolves in a pact of betrayal. The Elves look very much like šarkan and humans, differentiated by their longer ears, horns protruding from the forehead, and unique eye structure. Much like the Teraelle, the Faerie genocide has left the Soularie Elves nearly extinct.

Lunataí Wolves :The Lunataí Wolves are a species of wolf like bipeds that are known for their near indestructibility given to them through amazingly healing abilities. The Lunataí avoided the faerie genocides by making a pact with Král Groznyj to betray their fellow faerie. The Lunataí are responsible for the deaths of many Soularie Elves through this deal. Much like their namesake, the wolf, they share many similarities in appearance and traits, such as a pack mentality.


*The logo of Fenickx Productions, found on the back of every issue of Archaic, is a graphic of writer James Abram's dog, Rugby, who he had lost in a house-fire.
*Several of the characters from Archaic are named for places located in Slovakia. Košice, for example, is also the second largest city in Slovakia.


External links

* [ Official Site]


* [ Wizard Magazine interview with writer James Abrams]
* [ Audio interview with Abrams and Marting about Archaic on the Comic Geek Speak podcast]


* [ Review at Silver Bullet Comics]

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