Romana's sign

Romana's sign

Romana's sign, also known as a chagoma, is a medical term for the unilateral painless periorbital swelling associated with the acute stage of Chagas' disease.


It occurs 1-2 weeks after infection. It is due to conjunctival swelling after contamination with the vector's feces, which contains the parasitic trypanosoma cruzi. Although very characteristic of Chagas' disease, not all patients with the acute form develop Romana's sign.

When one has Romana's sign, one will have subcutaneous inflammatory nodule or nonpurulent unilateral palpebral oedema and conjunctivitis with ipsilateral regional lymphadenopathy.


It is named after Cecilio Romana, an Argentinian researcher who first described the phenomenon. [WhoNamedIt|synd|3325] [C. Romaña. Acerca de un síntoma inicial de valor para el diagnóstico de la forma aguda de la enfermedad de Chagas. La conjuntivitis schizotripanosómica unilateral (hipótesis sobre la puerta de entrada conjuntival de la enfermedad) Mision de Estudios de Patologia Regional Argentina (MEPRA), 1935, (22): 16-25. ]


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