SLI may stand for: Single Line Interface

*Scalable Link Interface, "NVIDIA"'s method for connecting 2 or more video cards together to produce a single output.
*Scan-Line Interleave, "3dfx"'s method for connecting 2 or more video cards together, predecessor to Scalable Link Interface.
*Safe Load Indicator in cranes
*SAP Labs India, the Indian subsidiary of SAP AG
*Sequencial Linear Interpolation, a technique to approximate a smooth curve with a piece-wise linear curve as described in the IEEE paper [ "Zhang, Allebach, Bouman: Sequential Linear Interpolation"]
*In Socionics, a Sensory Logical Introvert.
*SLI Systems, Search, Learn and Improve Systems, a search engine that learns from its users.
*Somerset Light Infantry, a former regiment in the British Army
*Specific language impairment, a language disability that runs in families
*Starting - Lighting - Ignition battery, a term used for car batteries.
*Street light interference, a phenomenon whereby street lights appear to go out as you pass beneath them.
*Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics, "Livsmedelekonomiska institutet".
*Swiss Leader Index, a market index on the Swiss Stock Exchange
*Sylvania Lighting International
*Symmetric level-index arithmetic, a computer arithmetic which is used to overcome the problems of overflow and underflow in scientific computing
*Sokolov-Lyon Index

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