

nihongo|"Genki"|元亀 was a nihongo|Japanese era name|年号,| "nengō",| lit. 'year" name after "Eiroku" and before "Tenshō." This period spanned the years from 1570 through 1573. The reigning emperor was nihongo|Ōgimachi"-tennō"|正親町天皇 . [Titsingh, I. (1834). "Annales des empereurs du Japon," p. 383.]

Change of era

*; 1570: The era name was changed because of various wars. The previous era ended and a new one commenced in "Eiroku" 13, on the 23rd day of the 4th month.

Events of the "Genki" era

* "Genki 1", in the 6th month (1570): The combined forces of the Azai clan, led by Azai Nagamasa, and the Asakura clan, led by Asakura Yoshikage, met the forces of Oda Nobunaga in a shallow riverbed which has come to be known as the Battle of Anegawa. Tokugawa Ieyasu led forces which came to the aid of Oda's army; and Oda claimed the victory. [Titsingh, p. 388.]
* "Genki 2", in the 9th month (1571): Nobunaga marched into Ōmi province at the head of his army which surrounded Mt. Hiei. He massacred the priests and everyone else associated with the mountain temples; and then he gave orders that everything structure on the mountain should be burned. [Titsingh, pp. 388-389.]
* "Genki 3", in the 12th month (1572): Takeda Shingen, the daimyo of Kai province, led his army into Totomi province where he engaged the forces of Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Battle of Mikatagahara. [Titsingh, p. 389.]


* Titsingh, Isaac, ed. (1834). [Siyun-sai Rin-siyo/Hayashi Gahō, 1652] , "Nipon o daï itsi ran; ou, Annales des empereurs du Japon, tr. par M. Isaac Titsingh avec l'aide de plusieurs interprètes attachés au comptoir hollandais de Nangasaki; ouvrage re., complété et cor. sur l'original japonais-chinois, accompagné de notes et précédé d'un Aperçu d'histoire mythologique du Japon, par M. J. Klaproth." Paris: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. [ ... Click link for digitized, full-text copy of this book (in French)]
* Totman, Conrad. (2000). "A History of Japan." Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. [,M1 ..Link to digitized text selections] ISBN 0-6312-1447-X

External links

* National Diet Library, "The Japanese Calendar" [ -- historical overview plus illustrative images from library's collection]


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Era or "nengō":
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