Emmanuel Carasso

Emmanuel Carasso

Emmanuel Carasso or Emanuel Karasu (Salonica, 1862 - Trieste, 1934) was a lawyer and a member of the prominent Sephardic Jewish Carasso family of Ottoman Salonica (now Thessaloniki, Greece). He was a prominent member of the Young Turks. The name is also spelled Karaso, Karassu, and Karasso. The form Karasu is a Turkification of his name, meaning literally 'black water'.

Karasu was a member (some sources say founder) and later president of the Macedonian Risorta Masonic lodge in Thessaloniki and pioneered the masonic movement within the Ottoman Empire. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20060520105427/http://www.mason.org.tr/en_history.htm The History of Freemasonry in Turkey] ] Masonic lodges and other secret societies in Salonica were meeting places for sympathizers of the Young Turks, including Talat Pasha. Karasu was one of the first non-Muslim members of the Ottoman Freedom Society, which later became part of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP); when the CUP came to power, he became the Salonica deputy in the Ottoman parliament. [Ahsene Gül Tokay, "Macedonian Reforms and Muslim Opposition during the Hamidian Era: 1878–1908", "Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations" 14:1 (2003)] He was offered various positions in the Ottoman government, but turned them down. Karasu was one of the three men who told Sultan Abdülhamit II of his deposition in April 1909. He worked for the cooperation of various Jewish organizations in Turkey, and insisted that Turkish Jews were Turks first and Jews second; he opposed Zionist settlement in Ottoman Palestine. He was a member of the committee which negotiated the treaty ending the Italo-Turkish War and of the committee to internationalize the city of Salonika. [Stella Salem, ‘Portraits of famous Jewish lawyers and jurists in Greece’, "Justice (Special issue: Remembering Salonika)" (Spring 1999), 17.] He lost favor under Atatürk and went into exile in Italy; he died in Trieste in 1934. ["Encyclopedia Judaica" as quoted in [http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=531420 Google answers] ]

He was the uncle of Isaac Carasso, the founder of Groupe Danone.


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