- Hapke parameters
The Hapke parameters are a set of parameters for a quasi-experimental model that are commonly used to describe the
directional reflectance properties of the airlessregolith surfaces of bodies in thesolar system . They were developed by astronomerBruce Hapke at theUniversity of Pittsburgh .#ar{omega}_0 — Single scattering
albedo . This is the ratio of scattering efficiency to total light extinction (which includes also absorption), for small-particle scattering of light. That is, K_s/(K_s+K_a), where K_s is thescattering coefficient , and K_a is theabsorption coefficient [http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/SingleScatteringAlbedo.html Single Scattering Albedo] , scienceworld.wolfram.com.]
#h — The width of the opposition surge.
#B_0 or S_0 — The strength of the opposition surge.
#P_0 or "g" — The particle phase function parameter, also called the asymmetry factor.
#heta — The effective surface tilt, also called the macroscopic roughness angle.The Hapke parameters can be used to derive other albedo and scattering properties such as the
geometric albedo , thephase integral , and theBond albedo .ee also
*Geometric albedo
*Bidirectional reflectance distribution function References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.