Lentulo spiral

Lentulo spiral

A Lentulo spiral is a dental instrument used to properly distribute root canal sealer and cement evenly throughout the root canal system, as when performing endodontic therapy or a post and core cementation.

Maillefer’s Lentulo spiral, produced by Dentsply, is the only one licensed to use the Lentulo name; however, the term is generally used to refer to any of the various brands of root canal sealer and cement distributing spirals.


* [http://iadr.confex.com/iadr/2004Hawaii/techprogram/abstract_41998.htm Clinical Evaluation of Root Canal Obturation Methods in Primary Teeth: O.A. BAWAZIR, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, F.S. SALAMA, University of Nebraska, Omaha, US.]

External links

* [http://www.dentsply.ca/product/940 Lentulo spiral, by Dentsply Canada]

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