- Bir II of Kanem
Kashim Biri was the
mai or King ofKanem during the middle of the thirteenth century. During his reign theMaliki school of Law was firmly established and he constructed aMadrashah in the kingdom.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Kashim Biri was the
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Bir I of Kanem — Sultan Biri Ibn Dunama was the son of Mai Dunama I, and Fasam from the Kayi ethnic group. Sultan Biri reigned as the king of Kanem, in the early stages of the Kanem EmpireHe was once constricted by his mother for executing a thief … Wikipedia
Kanem — Kanem, Landschaft Innerafrikas, im N. und NO. des Tsadsees (s. Karte bei »Guinea«), ehemals ein blühendes, selbständiges Reich, jetzt zum Tsadsee Territorium des französischen Kongo gehörig, 56,660 qkm groß. Das Land ist im NO. sandige Ebene mit… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Idris I of Kanem — Idris 1 was a grandson of Mai Bir kachim and a descendant of Ibrahim Nikale. He established peaceful relationship with the Sao after four Kanem kings had been killed during conflicts with the Bornu indigenous ethnic groups or Sao … Wikipedia
Sayfawa dynasty — or more properly Sefuwa dynasty is the name of the kings (or mai, as they called themselves) of the Kanem Bornu Empire, centered first in Kanem in western Chad, and then, after 1380, in Borno (today north eastern Nigeria). Theories on the origins … Wikipedia
Sefuwa — Die Sefuwa, manchmal auch Sayfuwa und Sayfawa geschrieben, sind eine Dynastie, die seit 1068 zunächst über Kanem, dann über Kanem Bornu und schließlich über Bornu bis 1846 herrschte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 1.1 Name und Ursprung 1.2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TCHAD — La république du Tchad s’étend, au centre du continent africain, sur la partie orientale du bassin hydrographique du lac Tchad. Sa superficie est de 1 284 000 kilomètres carrés répartis du désert du Sahara à la savane soudanienne, et sa… … Encyclopédie Universelle
AFRIQUE - Des origines à 1945 — L’histoire du continent tout entier apparaît comme une entreprise récente et difficile. Pendant longtemps, seules l’égyptologie, l’islamologie et l’histoire coloniale l’ont, chacune de son point de vue, abordée; il faut noter du reste que les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Histoire du Maroc — Antiquité … Wikipédia en Français
List of Islamic and Muslim related topics — This is an alphabetical list of topics related to Islam, the history of Islam, Islamic culture, and the present day Muslim world, intended to provide inspiration for the creation of new articles and categories. This list is not complete; please… … Wikipedia
Trans-Saharan trade — is trade across the Sahara between Mediterranean countries and West Africa. While existing from prehistoric times, the peak of such trade extended from the eighth century until the late sixteenth century. Increasing Desertification and Economic… … Wikipedia