Erik Lindahl

Erik Lindahl

Erik Robert Lindahl (November 21, 1891 in Stockholm – January 6, 1960 in Uppsala) was a Swedish economist and a member of the Stockholm school.

In 1919, Lindahl proposed a method of financing public goods that was close to a free market solution and is today known as benefit pricing. This methods leads to a so called Lindahl equilibrium. The prices determined in equilibrium are called Lindahl prices.The major detriment of Lindahl's device is that it is not "incentive compatible": It imposes a free rider problem.

Works (small selection)

* 1939: "Studies in the Theory of Money and Capital"
* 1919: "Die Gerechtigkeit der Besteuerung" (German, translated as "Just Taxation: A positive solution", 1958)

External links

* [ Lindahl's work]

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  • Lindahl, Erik Robert — ▪ Swedish economist born November 21, 1891, Stockholm, Sweden died January 6, 1960, Uppsala       Swedish economist who was one of the members of the Stockholm school of economics that developed during the late 1920s and early 30s from the… …   Universalium

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