Irma Adelman

Irma Adelman

Irma Glicman Adelman (1930-) is Professor of Economics in the Graduate School of the University of California at Berkeley. She has made important contributions in the field of development economics.

Major Works of Irma Adelman

*"Dynamic Properties of the Klein-Goldberger Model", with F.L. Adelman, 1959, "Economica"
*"Theories of Economic Growth and Development", 1961.
*"An Econometric Analysis of Population Growth", 1963, "AER".
*"Foreign Aid and Economic Development: The case of Greece", with H.B.Chenery, 1966, "REStat".
*"The Theory and Design of Economic Development", 1966.
*"Society, Politics and Economic Development: a quantitative approach", with C.T. Morris, 1967.
*"Economic Growth and Social Equity in Developing Countries", with C.T. Morris, 1973.
*"Strategies for Equitable Growth", 1974, "Challenge"
*"Development Economics: a reassessment of goals", 1975, "AER".
*"Growth, Income Distribution and Equity-Oriented Development Strategies", 1975, "World Development"
*"Policies for Equitable Growth", with C.T. Morris, and S. Robinson, 1976, "World Development"
*"Income Distribution Policy in Developing Countries: A case- study of Korea", with S. Robinson, 1977.
*"Growth and Impoverishment in the Middle of the 19th Century", with C.T. Morris, 1978, "World Development"
*"Redistribution Before Growth: A strategy for developing countries". 1978.
*"Beyond Export-Led Growth", 1984, "World Development"
*"A Poverty-Focused Approach to Development Policy", 1986, in Lewis, editor, "Development Strategies Reconsidered"
*"Confessions of an Incurable Romantic", 1988, "BNLQR".
*"Comparative Patterns of Economic Development, 1850-1914", 1988



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