Azzam al-Ahmad

Azzam al-Ahmad

Azzam al-Ahmad is the former Telecommunications Minister of the Palestinian National Authority. He received an IT from April 2003 (previously Minister of Public Works and Housing portfolio added on 9 June 2002). He also received a BA in Economics from Baghdad University. Head of the General Union of Palestinian Students] (GUPS) in Iraq from 1971-4; deputy head of GUPS Executive Committee from 1974-80; Palestine Liberation Organization ambassador to Iraq from 1979-94. He was a Fatah-RC member from 1989 and is a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council representing he Jenin Governorate as a Fatah candidate. [ [ Palestinian Government of November 2003] ]


Azzam Najeeb Al-Ahmad was born in the village of Rummaneh which is located in the northern part of Jenin next to the check point at the border of the old part of palestine which the Arabs lost to the Jews in the first Arab-Jewish war of 1948 and which came to be known later as the State of Israel.Azzam's Father , Najeeb Al-Ahmad was a fighter in the Palestinian resistance movement against the British occupation and later against the jewish terrorist groups like Sturn and Urgon which later on formed the Haganah or the Israeli Defence Army which was heavily trained and equipped by the British mandatory troops before they left Palestine handing almost every power and authority over to the Jewish settler forces and leaving the Palestinian armless and helpless population to the mercy of the Jewish terrorist groups led by Menahim Begin, Eric Sharon and David Ben Gurion who unleashed a wave of massacres against the civilian villages like kafr qassem , deir yaseen , tantoura and many others in an effort to evacuate the land from its indeginous inhabitants. The war in 1948 ended up with a truce signed with the Jordan king Abdullah, and drew a line between the coastal area of Palestine which turned into Israel and the inland bordering River Jordan to the east called the present West Bank.In 1968,Najeeb Al-Ahmad , the late Palestinian notable and prominent figure in the modern Palestinian political history was decalared personna non-gratia and was deported accross the Jordan River by the Israeli army almost immediately after its occupation of the West Bank in yet an other war that broke out in 1967 resulting in Arabs again losing large areas of lands in the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights. In Amman , the Jordanian Capital ,Najeeb and his big family of 9 children found fertile grounds for their cause and political activities. Najeeb's Immediate family is a politically colorful combination compassing almost all Palestinian spectrum and combining conlicting views under the same one ceiling which reflects the kind of political open mind on which the late Najeeb raised his kids. Soon after deportation ,Najeeb became a prominent member of the Jordanian parlament which resembled the unity of the two Arab peoples on both sides of the River Jordan namely:the Palestinian and Jordanian peoples under the Hashemite king Hussein. With that political beehive in action rearing that colorful diversity of viewpoints, Azzam Najeeb Al-Ahmad graduated from hih school and joined the Syrian universities but later moved to Baghdad with the coming of the Baath party to power in Iraq in 1969 as a staunc supporter of the Palestinian cause. Najeeb Al-Ahmad also had particiapted in Rasheed Ali Al-Kilani Revolution in Iraq in 1947 against the British policies in Iraq . This later on had him been recognized as an honorary Iraqi Army officer and worked closely as a Palestinian local resistant leader with the Iraqi army which particiapted in the overall Arab war ill-fated effort against Israel in 1948.Before leaving the West Bank , Najeeb became a widdower when his wife died leaving him as a lonely parent for that big active family . She was known for her resilience , wisdom and patience .She was a sweethart of her neighborhood in Jenin when they moved from the village to hat beautiful house which stands at the beginning of that street which leads to Haifa in old Palestine in a sign denoting Najeeb's direction .

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