Beet pulp

Beet pulp

Beet pulp is a byproduct left over from the processing of sugar beets, it is sometimes fed to horses and other animals because it is high in energy and fiber. When fed, it should be soaked in water for 3 to 4 hours prior to feeding in order to make it more palatable and to prevent choke. It should be soaked until the fibers have completely swelled. The usual proportion is one measure of beet pulp to two measures of water. A ration of beet pulp is usually 2 to 5 pounds dry weight, before soaking.

Beet pulp is usually fed in addition to hay, but occasionally is a replacement for hay when fed to very old horses who can no longer chew properly.

Although there are concerns that dry beet pulp will swell in a horses stomach and cause colic, a properly hydrated horse usually produces enough saliva to properly moisten any feedstuff. Soaking beet pulp is important, nonetheless, as it is easier for the horse to eat and dry beet pulp may cause choke if a horse ingests it rapidly.

ee also

*Equine nutrition


* Warren, Lori K. " [$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/hrs3243 Horse Feeding Myths and Misconceptions] " Horse Industry Section, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Web site accessed February 16, 2007

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