- Hero stone
Hero stone ("viirakkal" in Tamil or "virgallu" in Kannada) is an Indian
memorial commemorating the honorable death of a hero in battle inIndia . A hero stone can display a variety of adornments, includingbas relief panels, statutes, and figures of carved stone. [cite web
title=Hero-stone Memorials of India
publisher=Kamat Potpourri
accessdate=2007-03-15] Usually they are in the form of a stone monument and may have an inscription at the bottom with a narrative of the battle.Findings
Tamil Nadu Department of Archeology recently found several hundred hero stones that had been erected in the memory of warriors who sacrificed their lifes defending their community or region. Scholars call these hero stones "veeragallu" or "virakkal". Those that are carved with inscriptions detail the acts of the hero, the battle involved, and the name of king in whose name the battle was fought. The stones are found alone or in groups, usually near a tank or lake outside a village. [cite web
title=Dolmens, Hero Stones and the Dravidian People
accessdate=2007-03-15] Recently a hero stone has been unearthed, dating from 9th century of thePallava king Dantivarman, in which the hero is riding a galloping horse, beautifully dressed and carrying a spear. [cite web
title=Pallava period 'herostone' unearthed in Vellore dt.
accessdate=2007-03-15] Another was recently recovered at Pappapatti in Usilampatti taluk and probably dates from the 18th century. The ancient stone shows a warrior posed heroically, accompanied by his wife who holds a flower. Many of these statues have been recovered over southern India depicting heroic warriors in battles. Creating hero stones had been prevalent since theSangam period, dating back 2,300 years [cite web
title= 2,300-year-old hero stones found in Theni district
publisher=The Hindu
accessdate=2008-05-14] , and continuing until the Nayak and post-Nayak period around 200 years ago. [cite web
title='Hero stone' unearthed
accessdate=2007-03-17] Hero stones were not only for persons. A hero stone made to commemorate the favourite hound of aWestern Ganga Dynasty King Butuga II who died fighting a wild boar has been found.Altekar (1934), p351]Notes
*cite book |last= Altekar|first= Anant Sadashiv |title= The Rashtrakutas And Their Times; being a political, administrative, religious, social, economic and literary history of the Deccan during C. 750 A.D. to C. 1000 A.D|origyear=1934|year=1934|publisher= Oriental Book Agency|location= Poona|oclc=3793499
External links
* [http://www.kamat.com/database/content/hero-stones/index.htm Hero-stone Memorials of India]
* [http://www.hindu.com/2006/09/28/stories/2006092808360500.htm Rare Hero stone found near Erode]
* [http://www.hinduonnet.com/2001/11/24/stories/04242238.htm Pallava period 'herostone' unearthed in Vellore dt.]
* [http://www.chennaimuseum.org/draft/gallery/01/04/stone.htm Government Museum Chennai]
* [http://huntington.wmc.ohio-state.edu/public/index.cfm?fuseaction=showThisDetail&ObjectID=30033611 Huntington Archive Hero Stone]
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