Per Landgren

Per Landgren

Per Landgren (born 1958) is a Swedish Christian Democratic politician, member of the Swedish parliament (Riksdag) 1998–2006. Landgren was a member of the financial committee of the Riksdag until 2002 and of the fiscal committee between 2002 and 2006. He is also pursuing a doctorate in History of ideas at Göteborg University.

Landgren questions the theory of evolution. He has edited an anthology on "science, evolution, creation, belief" [Landgren, Per (ed.) (2002). "En bok om vetenskap, evolution, skapelse, gudstro". Haninge: XP förlag.] and has written articles for the Swedish creationist magazine "Genesis" [Landgren, Per. "Om tolerans och homosexualitet" / "Geologisk idéhistoria". "Tidskriften Genesis" 3 (1995).] . In 2005 he sponsored a Riksdag bill to teach "biological questions of origin" in philosophy class instead of biology class [Landgren, Per (2005). " [ Skolundervisning i ursprungsfrågor] ". Motion 2005/06:Ub497.] .


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