

In its broadest sense, an applique or appliqué is a smaller ornament or device applied to another surface. In the context of ceramics, for example, an appliqué is a separate piece of clay added to the primary work, generally for the purpose of decoration.

In the context of sewing, applique refers a needlework technique in which pieces of fabric, embroidery, or other materials are sewn onto another piece of fabric to create designs.Reader's Digest "Complete Guide to Needlework". The Reader's Digest Association, Inc. (March 1992). ISBN 0-89577-059-8, p. 192-206] It is particularly suitable for work which is to be seen from a distance, such as in banner-making. A famous example of applique is the Hastings Embroidery.

Appliqued cloth is an important art form in Benin, West Africa, particularly in the area around Abomey, where it has been a tradition since the 18th century and the kingdom of Danhomè.

Applique is used extensively in quilting. "Dresden Plate" and "Sunbonnet Sue" are two examples of traditional American quilt blocks that are constructed with both patchwork and applique. Baltimore album quilts, Broderie perse, Hawaiian quilts, Amish quilts and the ralli quilts of India and Pakistan also use applique.

Types of applique

Applied pieces usually have their edges folded under, and are then attached by any of the following:

# Straight stitch, typically 2-3mm in from the edge.
# Satin stitch all around, overlapping the edge. The patch may be glued or straight stitched on first to ensure positional stability and a neat edge.
# Decorative stitching over a significant amount of the applique piece, with the thread intended to be part of the artistic effect. The Buttonhole stitch is a good example.
# Central fixing only, with the edges of the applied piece intended to rise up from the background cloth. Typically used when attaching 3-dimensional flowers.


*Barber, Elizabeth Wayland: "Women's Work:The First 20,000 Years", W. W. Norton, 1994
*Gillow, John, and Bryan Sentance: "World Textiles", Bulfinch Press/Little, Brown, 1999, ISBN 0-8212-2621-5
*Reader's Digest "Complete Guide to Needlework". The Reader's Digest Association, Inc. (March 1992). ISBN 0-89577-059-8

External links

* [ Applique Techniques]
* [ Quilt exhibition at the Cincinnati Art Museum in 2008]

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  • applique — [ aplik ] n. f. • 1452 « action d appliquer »; de appliquer 1 ♦ (XVIIe) Tout ce qui est appliqué, fixé, plaqué sur un objet pour l orner ou le rendre solide. Pièces d applique. Appliques de velours sur un manteau. 2 ♦ (1842) Appareil d éclairage… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • appliqué — applique [ aplik ] n. f. • 1452 « action d appliquer »; de appliquer 1 ♦ (XVIIe) Tout ce qui est appliqué, fixé, plaqué sur un objet pour l orner ou le rendre solide. Pièces d applique. Appliques de velours sur un manteau. 2 ♦ (1842) Appareil d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • appliqué — appliqué, ée (a pli ké, kée) part. passé. 1°   Mis sur. Un emplâtre appliqué sur une tumeur    Par extension, soufflet bien appliqué. 2°   Dont on a fait l application, comme d un apologue. •   Si vous ne trouvez cela bien appliqué et bien joli… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • applique — Applique. s. f. Maniere d appliquer une chose sur quelque autre. Il n est guere en usage qu en ces phrases. Or d applique. pieces d applique …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • appliqué — [ap΄li kā′] n. [Fr, pp. of appliquer < L applicare: see APPLY] a decoration or trimming made of one material attached by sewing, gluing, etc. to another adj. applied as such a decoration vt. appliquéd, appliquéing 1. to decorate with appliqué… …   English World dictionary

  • applique — (n.) 1841, from Fr. appliqué work applied or laid on another material, noun use of pp. of appliquer to apply (12c.), from L. applicare (see APPLY (Cf. apply)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • appliqué — Appliqué, [appliqu]ée. part. pass. Il a les significations de son verbe. Un homme fort appliqué. qui a de l attention …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • applique — /a plik/, it. /a p:lik/ s.f., fr. [der. di appliquer applicare ], in ital. invar. (arred.) [piccolo lampadario murale] ▶◀ lampada da muro (o da parete), [anche da soffitto] plafoniera …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • applique — /fr. aˈplik/ [vc. fr., da appliquer «applicare»] s. f. inv. lampada da parete □ mensola, braccio …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • appliqué — vb *overlay, superpose, superimpose Analogous words: ornament, *adorn, decorate: affix, attach, *fasten …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • appliqué — ► NOUN ▪ decorative needlework in which fabric shapes are sewn or fixed on to a fabric background. DERIVATIVES appliquéd adjective. ORIGIN French, applied …   English terms dictionary

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