auditory illusion — The term auditory illusion is used in a general sense to denote a misrepresentation or misinterpretation of auditory stimuli. Some common examples are words that are misunderstood, figments, and nonverbal sounds such as the humming of a… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Auditory — means of or relating to the process of hearing:* Auditory system, the neurological structures and pathways of sound perception. * Sound, the physical signal perceived by the auditory system. * Hearing (sense), is the auditory sense, the sense by… … Wikipedia
Auditory phonetics — is a branch of phonetics concerned with the hearing of speech sounds and with speech also* Acoustic phonetics * Hearing (sense) * Speech perception * Weber Fechner law * Auditory illusion * Psychoacoustics * Vestibular… … Wikipedia
Illusion — An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. While illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people. [ Solso, R. L. (2001). Cognitive psychology (6th… … Wikipedia
illusion — illusioned, adj. /i looh zheuhn/, n. 1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. 2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension. 3. an instance of being deceived. 4. Psychol. a perception, as … Universalium
Illusion (disambiguation) — An illusion is an error in perception such as an optical illusion or auditory illusion. Illusion or Illusions may also refer to: Illusion (company), a Japanese eroge company Illusion (keelboat), a single handed one design yacht Magic (illusion),… … Wikipedia
illusion of recognition — A term introduced in or shortly before 1959 by the Canadian neuroscientists Wilder Graves Pen field (1891 1976) and Sean Francis Mullan (b. 1925) to denote an illusory perception of one s present environment or state in which things seem… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Illusion d'optique — Dans cette illusion dite illusion de Müller Lyer, les flèches ont toutes la même longueur. Il est possible de s en rendre compte plus facilement sur les trois flèches du bas. Une illusion d optique est une illusion qui trompe le système visuel… … Wikipédia en Français
auditory aura — A term used to denote a type of aura that manifests itself in the form of isolated auditory hallucinations or illusions. When an auditory hallucination or illusion occurs in conjunction with hallucinations in other sensory modalities, or with… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
auditory deafness — A term introduced in or shortly before 1995 by the American psychologists Arien Mack (b. 1931) and Irvin Rock (1922 1995). The term auditory deafness is used to denote a complete failure to consciously perceive an above threshold auditory… … Dictionary of Hallucinations