Jewish Quarter (diaspora)

Jewish Quarter (diaspora)

In the Jewish Diaspora, a Jewish quarter is the area of a city traditionally inhabited by Jews. Jewish quarters, like the Jewish ghettos in Europe, were often the outgrowths of segregated ghettos instituted by the surrounding Christian authorities. A Yiddish term for a Jewish quarter or neighborhood is "Di yiddishe gas" ( _yi. די ייִדדישע גאַס ), or "The Jewish street". Many European and Middle Eastern cities once had a historical Jewish quarter and some still have it. These include:

In Europe

*Alfama and La Judiaría, Lisbon
*La Judiaría and Bairro de Monchique, Oporto
*Le Marais, Paris
*La Carrière-des-Juifs and Mont-Juif or Montjusieu, Marseille
*La Juiverie de Fourvière and La Guillotière, Lyon
*Saint-Seurin, Bordeaux
*La Juderia, Rhodes
*Josefov, Prague
*Kazimierz, Kraków
*Erzsébetváros, Budapest
*Jodenbreestraat, Amsterdam
*The Venetian Ghetto, Venice
*The Roman Ghetto, Rome
*Giudecca, Naples
*La Judeca (Giudecca), Reggio Calabria
*Tirone and Paraporto, Messina
*Meschita and Guzzetta, Palermo
*Judeca Suprana, Judeca Suttana and Piano di Giacobbe, Catania
*Iudeca (Giudecca), Enna
*La Jureca (Giudecca), Syracuse, Sicily
*Balat, European Istanbul
*Call Jueu de Girona, Girona
*Leopoldstadt, Wien
*Joods Antwerpen, Antwerp
*Sedgley Park, Manchester
*South Tottenham, London
*Stamford Hill, London
*Golders Green, London
*Zhetel ghetto, Dzyatlava

In Asia

*Kuzguncuk, Asian Istanbul
*Karataş, İzmir
*Wadi Abu Jamil, Beirut
*Shanghai ghetto, Shanghai, a temporary Jewish refuge during WWII.

Other usage

In the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa there are a number of neighborhoods or small towns, generally in large cities or outlying communities of such, which are home to large concentrations of Jewish residents, much in the manner of old-world Jewish quarters or other ethnic enclaves, though without exclusive Jewish population.

In the United States

*Kiryas Joel, New York State
*Lawrence, New York State
*Monsey, New York State
*Riverdale, Bronx, New York City
*Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York City
*Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York City
*Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York City
*Forest Hills, Queens, New York City
*Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, New York City
*Miami Beach, Florida
*Beverlywood, Los Angeles, California

In Australia

*Balaclava, Melbourne

In South Africa

*Glenhazel, Johannesburg

In Argentina

*Once, Buenos Aires

In Canada

*Outremont, Montreal
*Bathurst Street, Toronto

In Venezuela

*San Bernardino, Caracas
*Los Chorros, Caracas
*Sebucán, Caracas

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