Westside Barbell

Westside Barbell

Westside Barbell is a gym, famous in powerlifting circles. It is run by Louie Simmons and is located in Columbus, Ohio. Most lifters at Westside Barbell use a system developed by weightlifters in the former Soviet Union involving conjugate training.

Training Methods

The training week in the Westside Barbell system typically consists of four sessions per week. Two of these sessions focus on upper body work, using the bench press as the main lift. One upper body session is used to lift maximal loads while the other is used for dynamic work using lighter loads with higher speed. The other two sessions focus on lower body work, with the squat and deadlift being the primary focus. One day per week is a maximum effort session while the other is a dynamic effort session, typically using box squats with a fast speed and lighter loads than the max effort day.

Supplemental and accessory work is usually done at each session. The upper body days typically include assistance exercises for the triceps, shoulders, and the upper back (latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius). On the lower body days, lifters usually do exercises to train the posterior chain (hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and erector spinae) and the abdominals, as well as potentially additional upper back work.

Other features of the program include:

* The use of the box squat, both as an ME and DE movement, as outlined above.
* The use of contrast methods, including chains or bands attached to the bar to accommodate resistance. In a nutshell, this allows the weight to become heavier as the strength curve becomes more favorable. In particular, bands have a multitude of other benefits and uses in training that have been used by Westside.
* The improvement of general physical preparation and work capacity through extra workouts and non-gym equipment, principally the dragging sled.
* The use of unique exercises for training the posterior chain, including the glute-ham raise and Simmons' patented reverse hyper machine.
* The use of many different bars in training to change the exercise, such as the safety squat bar, buffalo bar, cambered bar, etc.
* The use of many unique barbell exercises, e.g., board press, floor press, reverse band deadlift, etc.
* There are no training "periods" in the sense that is typically taught in Western universities. Traditional linear periodization, as is commonly espoused in the West, is not used. The conjugate sequence system trains multiple abilities simultaneously year-round. The degree to which one ability or sub-quality is emphasized may change, but one is not completely neglected for any length of time.


Simmons draws ideas and methods from many books, most published by authors originally from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc nations. Some of the most heavily quoted resources are:

* "Science and Practice of Strength Training", V. Zatsiorsky and W. Kraemer.
* "Science of Sports Training", T. Kurz.
* "Strength and Power in Sport", P. Komi, et al.
* "Supertraining", M. Siff.
* "Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports", T. Starzynski and H. Sozanski.


[http://www.westside-barbell.com Westside barbell website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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