Frederick Leboyer

Frederick Leboyer

Frederick Leboyer (born 1918) is a French obstetrician, best known for his 1975 book, "Birth Without Violence" [] , which popularized gentle birthing techniques, in particular, the practice of immersing newly-born infants in a small tub of warm water — known as a "Leboyer bath" — to help ease the transition from the womb to the outside world. He graduated from the University of Paris School of Medicine.


*"Birth Without Violence" (1975)
*"Loving Hands: The Traditional Art of Baby Massage" (1976)
*"Inner Beauty, Inner Light" (1978)

ee also

*Michel Odent
*Bradley method of natural childbirth
*Pre- and perinatal psychology

External links

* [ Biography]
* [ Review of Birth Without Violence]
* [ Interview with Frederick Leboyer (in Spanish)]

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