IT Grade

IT Grade

IT Grade refers to the International Tolerance Grade of an industrial process defined in ISO 286. [ISO Standard 286] This grade identifies what tolerances a given process can produce for a given dimension.

The IT grade is calculated via the following formula: [Professor Sridhar Kota: ME 452 – Design for Manufacturability, course notes, University of Michigan.] :T=10^{0.2 imes (ITG-1)} cdot (0.45 imes sqrt [3] {D}+0.001 imes D)

*T is the tolerance in micrometres [µm]
*D is the geometric mean dimension in millimeters [mm]
*ITG is the IT Grade, a positive integer.

One thinks of D as being the key dimension on the part and T as being the required tolerance on that key dimension. The larger the ITG, the looser the tolerance.

Meaning and interpretation

An industrial process has an IT Grade associated with, indicating how precise it is. When designing a part, an engineer will typically determine a key dimension (D) and some tolerance (T) on that dimension. Using this formula, the engineer can determine what IT Grade is necessary to produce the part with those specifications. Thus, if injection molding has an IT Grade of 13 and a part needs an IT Grade of 5, one cannot injection mold that part to those specifications. It is useful in determining the processes capable of producing parts to the needed specification.

Alternate formulation

The followingFact|date=June 2007 has been proposed by an unsigned user, though no source is given.:I = 0.004 cdot D + 2.1:T = k cdot I

ee also

*Interference fit
*Process capability


External links

* [ Engineer's Edge - IT Tolerance Grade Chart - All units shown in millimeters]
* [ ISO Hole and Shaft tolerances/limits] , Roymech, UK.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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